Using different dashboards for different devices


for the last couple of weeks I am searching for a solution on above subject and I am not saying that it is not described somewhere and I might be blind not to find it. If so any hint to the right location would be perfect.

From a conceptual point of view what I’m trying to achieve is not very complicated: I want to have different interfaces for different devices.

  • A simple interface with a series of buttons for my phone
  • A larger and more comfortable interface with more information and more activities for a tablet device on the wall
  • Another interface for a tablet device in the living room (e.g. including TV management, Music, et cetera)
  • And a complete interface on my iMac for the complete management of the Home Assistance installation

I am using YAML mode to have more control over the interface definition, comments., etc. and have been fumbling around trying to find a solution based on the recently introduced dashboards for what I’m trying to achieve.

In my ideal world I would have one small ui-lovelace.yaml, which - based on the device - refers to different YAML files. I have been playing around with this but no success so far.
I have also tried Customer Header, but as far as I understand it I cannot refer to a completely different yaml ui overall but have specific configuration modes based on the user_agent.

Again, I’m not saying that a solution for this is not described somewhere but I simply couldn’t find it and if it exists I’m hoping that somebody can point me to it and if not then somebody might have an idea how that can be achieved. I am almost connived that it is easier than I think, I just cannot get my head around it :wink:

Any help highly appreciated!

Thank you!

I’ve created two dashboards, a mobile dashboard for small screens and a desktop dashboard for larger ones.

I wanted to be able to detect if a device was a mobile device and direct it to a dashboard designed for mobiles automatically. Otherwise view the full dashboard.

I got this reply from Thomas but it relates to cards not dashboards: 🔹 Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

So I never followed it up and just manually assign an appropriate dashboard (mobile / desktop) to each device in the profile section.

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That’s what I’m doing as well.
I have four different dashboards for mobile phones, an alarm clock solution and tablets/desktop. I manually assign a certain dashboard to the device.
I would prefer to connect a dashboard to a user.
But it’s not possible for the time being

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Vote for Pedro:


Thanks for the advice using the Profile section - funny though. One would think that introducing dashboards would logically come with user/device specified dashboards :wink:
Well, sure it will come sometime!

Vote for Pedro:

Thanks for the hint - done :wink:

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