Using ESPhome to build a water flow rate meter

I put both on purpose…
Thank you!
It’s Not Seconds (14.52)

Then check if your input_boolean.eau_principale_on_off is working and giving out an OFF value because the calculation is based on the value of input_boolean.eau_principale_on_off.

sensor.debit_d_eau_instantane_ou_off should only show instant debit when water flows through your flow sensor or an OFF value when there isn’t. That OFF value is then used with a boolean inside Home Assistant to actually have an ON/OFF switch that will be used to trigger the automation to set input_number.volume_de_depart_debit.

  • input_boolean.eau_principale_on_off is correct.
  • sensor.debit_d_eau_instantane_ou_off is correct too.

Thanks again for all your time.

Thank you, so i do not understand use price water?

Hey @donparlor,
this looks like a very promising discussion for something similar I want to implement. I can see that quite a few things were discussed but it’s quite hard to grasp the whole truth in over 200 messages. Could you possibly post your current state as one complete yaml dump? Thanks!!!

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Price calculation was for a future project where I will install a water flow sensor on my hot water. I will calculate the volume of each show and TTS the cost to my Google Home Mini in my bathroom after the shower is finished. But because NPT flow sensors are hard to find, I’ve put this project on pause. Price calculation can be useful if you are charged for fresh water in your city.


thanks a lot to @donparlor Vincent for his amazing work!

to integrate this in the new ENERGY dashboard from 2022.11.1 : just add this to the sensors in ESPHome:

for the sensor in Liter and in m3 :

device_class: "water"

You’re correct @Olivier974, the new ENERGY dashboard from 2022.11.1 is a better choice for global water usage. I will probably move that sensor there.

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I will make a post soon summarizing everything. I will finish setting things up with @NoGrout as my code used Legacy Sensor configuration format and I want it to be more future-proof modern configuration format.



cant wait for it :wink:

thank you again


Could you post your config?

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For anyone who may be trying to integrate the Ultrasonic flow sensor TUF-2000M, I finally got it working with ESPhome yesterday: TUF-2000M Ultrasonic Water Flowmeter MODBUS integration - #6 by newnub

Hi Vincent,

Very good job. Thank you to this share.
So, could you share your connexion schema ?

Best regards.
Merci d’avance :wink:

I will send a complete update very soon. I’m just very busy and don’t have much time to spend on preparing that post. But I will! Thank you @fabal45


Great. Thank you very much to this answer and the work.

Petite question pratico pratique, est-ce que ce type de mécanisme se fait ressentir sur l’usage ? J’entends par là, perte de pression ou encore nuisances sonores ?

I haven’t heard any noise and it does not seem to reduce flow. :slight_smile:
Logically it must slow flow a little, but it is negligible.


Can you share your sensor code for this meter? I am about to order one. Thank you in advance.

Hey friends,
maybe you can help me with this related use case. I want to go one step further and implement a heat monitor, which combines water flow with temperature differences:

Would love to discuss