Using german number format


I want o have 1 234 567.89 - there is no such option in the dialog you pointed to. The most similar is using coma instead of dot :frowning:

Indeed. But it’s just not the topic of this thread.
You are welcome to open a feature request to have arbitrary number formats.

it started with number formatting dependent on chosen language (how one could even brought this idea?) Then numbers get a few predefined formats. Every time I commented on that giving reference to Windows’ config.

Nobody listens. Looks like iterative work, spending time on constant refactoring (which possibly breaks things) and in general inventing the wheel again it’s committed approach.

What surprise me even more that developers building app forget that there are other languages, formatting preferences, keyboard layouts, timezones. All those things have been worked out through recent 30 years. But devs must go through that again and again

Man, just launched a game yesterday which still didn’t allow me to remap WASD, in 2023 :imp:

That’s been implemented like 2 years ago

I did set it to German and Home Assistant shows all values correctly with a comma like this: 1.234,56
But apparently this does not effect the numbers that I sent myself via mail via automations and templates like this:

service: notify.himbimail
  message: >
    {% set energie = ((states("input_number.trockner_start_energie") | float)) | round(1) %}
    Energie: {{ energie }} kWh.

Do you have any hints on how to change this?

Templates don’t have translations or numerical settings. You’ll have to adjust the template for it to output in the format you desire.

By doing string replacements just like in the first post here?

I thought this was the idea of this whole thread: not having to do those anymore :slight_smile:

You don’t in the ui. Templates don’t have access to translations in the ui. You can get pissed at me all you want but that won’t change the fact that it can’t be done in templates (easily).

I’m not pissed. I was just hoping that there exists a better solution.