Using MQT from Sonoff Bridge - how to configure HASS.IO

Hi all,

I hope someone can help me with this.

I have MQT setup as standard in HASS.IO and have the sonoff power switches working well.

I now have flashed the Sonoff bridge to allow me to use PIRs and Door/window switches.

The problem I have, is I’m unsure as to how to use the triggers from this device and get automation to work.

The MQT response is as follows:

18:50:49 MQT: tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT = {“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:12540,“Low”:420,“High”:1210,“Data”:“D1397E”,“RfKey”:“None”}}

Any idea how I develop an automation from this data?

many thanks


try this Link

as is a JSON Object

this should work
base on my understanding of JSON

- platform: mqtt
  name: RfReceived
  state_topic: "tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT"
  value_template: "{{value_json.Data }}"

Put it into a Group
then RfReceived should show D1397E

once that Done

you should be able to create a Automation base on the RfReceived

this is base on my understanding of HA never tryed to read a single JSON Data Array

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Many thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

I’ve used the following in my configuration.yaml:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “sonoffPIR1”
    state_topic: “tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT”
    value_template: ‘{{ value_json[“RfReceived”][“Data”] }}’
    expire_after: 3

This now shows as a sensor in the top of the HASS.IO home page, and triggers from one of my automation rules.

Great help!! Thank you!!

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nice glad i could help

lets see your automation what have you got it doing

mite give someone else some ideas

what does the “expire_after: 3” do ???


I’m using the PIR to notify me of visitors when I’m in the study and can’t hear the doorbell.

The automation is:
Trigger type: STATE
Entity: sensor.sonoffpir1
To: D1397E

This fires a colourful led strip to let me know someone is at the door.

The “expire_after: 3” simply clears the PIR State back to blank after 3 seconds (as there is no trigger from the MQTT to clear it).

I then use another automation to turn off the LEDs based on the expire.

I could have used timers, but this is so much simpler :slight_smile:

thanks again, without your help I wouldn’t have got this far.



Hi Cardblower, I’m working on this topic for 2 days now and I don’t get this to work.

I used you code:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “sonoffPIR1”
    command_topic: “tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT”
    value_template: ‘{{ value_json[“RfReceived”][“Data”] }}’
    expire_after: 20

But when I restart HA I get the following:
Failed config
platform: mqtt
command_topic: tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT
expire_after: 20
name: sonoffPIR1
value_template: {{ value_json[“RfReceived”][“Data”] }}
Successful config (partial)

I think I do something wrong :S Can you see whats the problem?

How have you setup the sonoff bridge mqtt settings?
Here’s mine:

Check the quote marks, when I copied the value_template line I got some weird quote marks.


as you can see the qoute marks at the start are different from the quote marks at the end, replacing all the qoute marks made the command work as it should.

I copied it exactly the same! But it fixed now :slight_smile: There was something wrong in my code with the quote marks

That did the trick. Thanks! :slight_smile:

cool, great that it’s all working!

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