hello, i want to setup a slider for my thermostats. it works with z-way and i have a mqtt plugin to send commands. what i want is a slider between 10-28 that get the state from a mqtt topic (zwaymqtt/devices/zwayvdev_zway_8_0_67_1/status) json
even after reading every more then 1 time i still don’t understand how i could build a slider…
i think i have a big logic problem in my head
i don’t know how i automate a slider to send a different command on every change and i don’t understand how send a specific value via json (what i want to send ({ “command”: “exact”, “args”: { “level”: 20 } } when the slider is set to 20)
I have the same issue as luxus, I’m not fully sure how set the payload value of an MQTT request with the value of my slider. I’ve tried the following script: