Using for remote access to home assistant

I guess that is the Issue here:

Thank you! That was indeed the problem. Working again now.

I am trying to wrap my head around the Idea having the URL as a sensor, first Issue is, where is the log file?

ok, update. The log output is the one from the docker container.
So this works to look at the log:

docker logs xxx_try_cloudflare

first Idea was to run this trough node red, but i get a


which means, to my understanding that node red does not have the rights to execute this commandā€¦

any other ideas?

I used the trycloudflare for a almost a year now, but 3 days ago the application add-on stopped.

I unistalled the add-on but itā€™s not possible to reinstall anymore. Someone have a solution for that?

Tried to install the addon but got this error.

"Failed to install add-on

The command ā€˜/bin/ash -o pipefail -c go getā€™ returned a non-zero code: 1"

Iā€™m still new here so unsure what to do next.

Is there a way to access SAMBA shares remotely using the Cloudfare Addon?

Iā€™ve been using the Cloudflared add-on for probably less than a year. Iā€™ve had a paid [mydomain].com for over a decade and Iā€™m accessing HA successfully through https://ha.[mydomain].com.

The only trouble is, my www.[mydomain].com website no longer works. It doesnā€™t direct to the web server where my (admittedly terrible) website is. Itā€™s not crucial that itā€™s up & running, but it would be nice to have it work again. This is outside the scope of the add-on, but I was hoping someone could give me some ideas about how to configure Cloudflare to allow access/redirect to my site.

EDIT: Nevermindā€¦ I set up a Page Rule in my Cloudflare account. It only took a couple of minutes. I donā€™t know why I skipped it when I first set this upā€¦