Vacuum Interactive Map Card

so something like this?

{'boundaries': [
{'id': '4019e52b-b7bc-421f-906f-1a2216497e9e', 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [[0.3084, 0.4941], [0.5523, 0.4941], [0.5523, 0.7917], [0.3084, 0.7917]], 'name': 'Kitchen', 'color': '#FFC974', 'enabled': True},
{'id': '1003749a-03b7-4c84-bb40-b3f3ae0a1a51', 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [[0.6128, 0.3406], [0.7199, 0.3406], [0.7199, 0.6028], [0.6128, 0.6028]], 'name': 'Hallway', 'color': '#E06A83', 'enabled': True},
{'id': '1c00cf6d-1b50-4e1b-a552-62f8c4fd9fe2', 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [[0.2891, 0.1676], [0.6256, 0.1676], [0.6256, 0.4918], [0.2891, 0.4918]], 'name': 'Living room', 'color': '#7BB472', 'enabled': True}]}

I can at least provide instructions to grab this map data for users :slight_smile:

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Could this JSON be returned in device_state_attributes?

So when I tried to add zone cleaning the first time around it was denied as they did not want the zone ID in device_state_attributes not sure about the coordinates though. Instead we opted to use the name the user setup in the app which was a cleaner implementation.

@Santobert what are your thoughts on this? We already grab the boundaries in the update call but I am not sure if we can store that data in the state system. Here is the PR that talks about providing the data in a websocket call instead of the state which I am not sure how to do:

I think possibility to get zones data using websocket api is a nice solution to avoid adding unnecessary data in devices state.

After quick research I have found example of websocket call that could be followed in this case:

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I agree with the opinion of balloob. This information is not really part of the deviceā€™s state. But Iā€™ve never used websockets yet, so I canā€™t help here without doing some research.

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Iā€™m really struggling to get this to workā€¦ I used the zone points from both floe and debug, but my zones are not even close to being the right sizeā€¦ any ideas please?

type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card'
entity: vacuum.renvac
debug: true
map_image: /local/map.png
  - vacuum:
      x: 25500
      'y': 25500
      x: 358
      'y': 631
  - vacuum:
      x: 26800
      'y': 25200
      x: 282
      'y': 669
  - vacuum:
      x: 29500
      'y': 19500
      x: 688
      'y': 1109
  - - - 25246
      - 19577
      - 30062
      - 25931

2 suggestions here:

  • I think that your second point has incorrect x coordinate in map section
  • for best results place calibration points on a rectangle corners (e.g. using zoned cleanup). Try to draw as big rectangle as possible.

thanksā€¦ I started again and Iā€™m not much further forwardā€¦ except I have less hair nowā€¦ Any more pointers please? I have changed the image, I would prefer it rotated as it doesnā€™t fit on card very well verticallyā€¦ but I got even more confused thenā€¦ map attached I am using I know the zone is right as I just tested that.

type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card'
entity: vacuum.renvac
debug: true
map_image: /local/map.png
  - vacuum:
      x: 25500
      'y': 25500
      x: 45
      'y': 45
  - vacuum:
      x: 27800
      'y': 22050
      x: 290
      'y': 404
  - vacuum:
      x: 30700
      'y': 14200
      x: 580
      'y': 1175
  - - - 24929
      - 11442
      - 27679
      - 15192

The area I am wanting as the zone is ā€œcircledā€

or can I rotate the map image manually and then erm try to calibrate it, so it is rotated 90 degrees from the actual map on the phone app? ? I think I am making this far more complicated than I need to doā€¦ as usual :slight_smile:

The easiest way is to rotate the image, but you have to calibrate it again after rotation

thankā€¦ I love this if I can get it to be calibrated :S

By following these steps you should achieve the best result:

  1. In FloleVac in ā€œzoned cleanupā€ mode draw as big zone as possible (green rectangle on a photo below)
  2. As a calibration points choose three corners of rectangle from step 1
  3. By choosing points like described in step 2 coordinate x of points 1 and 3 should be the same and coordinate y of points 2 and 3 should be the same
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truly genius thank youā€¦ I have even rotated the map and got it to work. Thank you for the detailed reply and thank you for what is a brilliant cardā€¦ This is just what I have been looking forā€¦ now time to clean up the map and label it :smiley:

I plan to create a video tutorial for calibration procedure, it should help future users :wink:


it will be wonderful

I think Iā€™m a bit confused. Iā€™m not really getting how to express the coordinatesā€¦ :S

I have used the FloleVac app to add a large zone on top of my map:

I get these coordinates:


In another thread I read that the coordinate order is [bottom-left-x, bottom-left-y, top-right-x, top-right-y]. Is this right?

Am I correct in assuming that the top left corner in the picture above have the coordinate X=23162 and Y=34856? The bottom right corner have coordinate X=29812 and Y=25106?

If I place the cursor on the image (in at the same place as the top left corner in the selection I get the coordinates 49,144. Does this mean the map coordinates should be X=49 and Y=144 if I use this specific image for the card?

It seems correct, you can make yourself sure by enabling ā€œgo to targetā€ mode in FloleVac, select chosen corner and hold start button.

Exactly, you have to check these coordinates for 2 other points and calibration process is done :slight_smile:

Just bit curious about this. When will we get video. It will make thing easy for we new users. Thanks

I am afraid it will take some time, I have a lot of things on my head right now.

For now the easiest way would be to follow instructions in this post:

Thanks @3_14. Configured card as per instructions. Itā€™s workingā€¦ Amazing work!!!

Looking forward to get more updates on this. Awesome cardā€¦ Great workā€¦

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