Vacuum Interactive Map Card

So I did and problem still exists:

Is this card still installed in HACS?
You can also remove this entry:

I just reinstalled everything using only HACS. Now it works. Unfortunately Roborock doesn’t react to command as clean zone or go to target. Should I establish calibration points?

Which vacuum do you have?

Roborock S5 Max

Can you show a camera’s config?


Everything seems to be ok, do you have anything in logs?

Here is what logs look like.

And here is what just have happened - previously vaccum card worked fine without issues like that…

Okay - I reinstalled vacuum card and now its fine.
There is still some logs warnings:

Ok, I see the problem now. You set invalid vacuum entity id in the card

There is card for map extractor

Here is custom card for Interactive Map

What should be changed?

Interactive map

Well I know I ask for a lot but could you show me how the code for the interactive map should look like? I would be very grateful for the help as I’m a complete newbie in these subjects…

your config is ok, you only have to change this value to a correct one

Now it works fine…that was so obvious… Thanks a lot for help and wonderful project!

Hi, thank you so much for making such a great mapping available !
I can’t find a way to change the yellow pointer/circle color when clicking on the map, could you please tell me how to ? :slight_smile: