Vacuum Interactive Map Card

How could u manage it?


Sorry for the late response,

I don’t want to trim it, but rather scale it, as in how much space the map takes compared to the rest of the things in the card. I found a way to make it look better in my case without scaling, but would still like to know if its possible by custom css or something.

The first picture shows what I mean by how the map Is to big, in the second image I have rotated the map, to make it less small, that way it also got waay smaller as you see.

So what I want to achieve is, the size of the map to be as in second picture, but with the rotation of the map as in the first picture.

Dimensions of a card are adjusted to match proportions of a map. Do you have trimming configured right now? If so, you can remove it for left and right side of a map to make it wider, which will reduce card’s height

Thanks a lot!

Hi, is it possible to to trim and rotate differently when you have 2 maps? I’ve rotated it in the Xiaomi app but it made no difference. I would like to rotate one of the maps, but not the other, and apply different trimming to each.

Is there a way to retrieve the room names from the Xiaomi Cloud map? vacuum_room_name doesn’t return anything, so I assume that is a no.
I have managed to retrieve the room numbers and name them manually on the card, but just wondering if it is possible at all.
I see I can use the room numbers to create the automations so thats a non-issue, thankfully.

Is there a way to know the current map, similar to vacuum_room giving the room?
map_name seems to keep changing, and it doesn’t seem to show any noticeable change in the string when I load a different map with the load multi map (even though I can see the map changing in the card).
The room numbers are repeating between the 2 maps so I can’t use the vacuum_room alone for the automations.
(wish this thing had a BLE beacon so I could just capture the location using my Espresense set up. Half tempted to stick a Tile to it).

By the way, the card is working really well with my new Roborock Q7+ Max.
Thanks so much for your work on it and the extractor!! :bowing_man:

Are these two maps for the same vacuum?

Availability of this functionality depends on vacuum model

You might be able to detect it using calibration points

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Yes, both maps are on the same vacuum.
If not on the cloud extractor, could it potentially be done on the card, as I’m using the alternate preset to show the 2nd map (ie, ground floor and first floor)?

Thank you in advance

Unfortunately it’s not possible to rotate map in card :frowning: you just can crop it

Thanks for the quick replies.
This is barely an issue, more of a preference.
The card is immensely useful, thank you so much for the work on it.

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That did it. I ended up creating 2 template sensors, one to give me the floor, and the second to give me the room name based on the floor and room number retrieved by the vacuum.

I am sharing the template sensor just in case someone needs to do something similar, hopefully it might help.

## robot vacuum
#robot vacuum floor
  - sensor:
      - name: "Robot Vacuum Floor"
        unique_id: 'B819ySBel009W1Sl-40jJnuKidO0QkLYeqb8'
        state: >
          {% set state=state_attr('camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor','calibration_points')[0].map.x %}
          {% if is_number(state) and state | float == 119 %} #checked manually, X equals 119 when upstairs map is loaded
          {% elif is_number(state) and state | float == 125 %} #checked manually, X equals 125 when upstairs map is loaded
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
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Hello, I’m facing an issue after the installation :
This part is done.


  • Open HACS
  • Go to “Frontend” section
  • Click button with “+” icon
  • Search for “Xiaomi Vacuum Map”
  • Install repository in HACS
  • Make sure you have added this card to Lovelace resources

url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js type: module

  • Refresh your browser

And I have created a manual card with your config example, but here is the result : Error

Can you point me where I have made a mistake ?

Try again in incognito mode

What is incognito mode ?

In your browser

Hello, It doesn’t solve the issue =>

Try restarting your HA

May be this is a bit off-topic question:

Recently I realized that Roborock S5 has these sensors always off:

I bet that at least about half a year ago one of these sensors (do not remember which one exactly) was changing.
Can anyone check these sensors? Better with S5 )))

Update: created an issue.

Had the same issue. For me the url didnÂŽt work. When installing the repo via HACS is does download it to your www directory anyways. Therefore i changed the url to /local/community/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js

I am not sure if i am doing something wrong, but on my card i dont see my vaccum and even when starting i do not see something.

I need to say tough, then i am using the custom_component miio2 →

What is your config of map extractor?