Vacuum Interactive Map Card

Installed HACS and have it running! Sorta.

I suggest you add to your “Installation” section that HACS is another option for installation.

Thanks for the work. And help.

I’m sure I’ll be back as I get working with the map, etc. :wink:


This little addon is just getting more and more brilliant. :wink:
Another thing I think of is that it would be nice to have some sort of feedback when you press start. Sometimes I have thought that I pressed the startbutton, but it wasnt registered. Due to network problem, or, hass-problem or something else.
Just asking for a simple “Starting zone cleanup” message when pressing start.

@Dernebo Well, here you have it! :wink:

@Maximus97 Something for you as well:



Now, I want you to add a button that makes my Roborock take care of the laundry. Or brew coffee. Or wash my car. :joy:

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Who knows, maybe tomorrow… :smiley:

I know you can do it. :wink:

Out of curiosity, is there any limit that forces you to only let 5 predefined zones to be selected? I have 12 zones.

@jimz011 in post above (Xiaomi Vacuum Interactive Map Card) noted, that xiaomi vacuums suport max 5 zones at once. Unfortunately in this case my magic is not powerful enough :frowning:

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Here you have the latest UI gifs:

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Am I the only one who has issues with using the Zoned cleanup? The vacuum goes to the zone but right after starting it says “Finished zoned cleanup. Going back to the dock” and then returns to the dock.

Can you check in Mi Home app if zone is shown correctly?

This is what happens in the app, it looks like the zone i drew in the card. I am running the latest version.

It seems that card is working correctly… Recently I have changed usage of services from vacuum.xiaomi_clean_zone to vacuum.send_command, but everything seemed to work ok. Could you enable debug mode and call this service directly from HA with the same data?

Example data:

  "entity_id": "vacuum.roborock",
  "params":<from debug>

How do I enable debug mode?

Just add a property in card configuration:

- type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
  entity: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum
  map_image: '/local/custom_lovelace/xiaomi_vacuum_map_card/map.png'
  debug: true
    x: 1889
    y: 1600
    x: 1625
    y: 1336

Same behaviour when using this

Could you also try following two and check if any of them works?

service: vacuum.send_command

  "entity_id": "vacuum.roborock",

service: vacuum.xiaomi_clean_zone

  "entity_id": "vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner",

Only the first one worked.

My map in the lovelace card is tilted 90 degrees compared to the map in the Mi home app, is this the reason?

Ok, now the last one:
service: vacuum.xiaomi_clean_zone

  "entity_id": "vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner",

If your map is calibrated correctly (and it is, as zone in Mi Home is shown correctly) then rotation should not be an issue