Value Template for command line sensor


in the first curl command try removing the " from around the entire command like it is in the second curl command.


That’s because you left the " at the end. Remove that and try it again.

maybe i think thats a tricky problem …

try it by removing the P from the command

“… | grep -o …”

what means this ?

I have no idea why its not working for you.

The only thing i can think is that there is some difference between hassos and Debian in the way grep works. As I said the command I provided works for me in Debian.

I don’t think I can be of any more help.

with this value template :

value_template: “{{ value.split(‘’)[1].split(‘D_A_1_1>’)[1] }}”

i get from this response :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Accept-Ranges: bytes Connection: close ok <D_A_1_1>0.00</D_A_1_1>

as answer


i am on a good way. How can i the < and / with the template remove ?

This should work but I’m not at my desk now to check it.

“{{ value.split(’ `’)[1].split(‘D_A_1_1>’)[1][:-2] }}”

"{{ value | regex_findall_index('<D_A_1_1>(.*)</D_A_1_1>') }}"
