Value template returns unknown


Desperate attempt to understand why my template sensor is not working.

I have this code, the time returns as expected, yet the weather returns unknown

- platform: template
    #<--------------------- Template for announcements --------------------->

      value_template: >-
        {% set now = now() %}
        Good Morning and welcome to {{ now.strftime('%A') }}, 
        {{ now.strftime('%-d') }} {{now.strftime('%B') }}

      value_template: >-
        {% set current_temp = states('sensor.canberra_temp') %}
        {% set min_temp = states('sensor.queanbeyan_temp_min_1') %}
        {% set max_temp = states('sensor.queanbeyan_temp_max_1') %}
        {% set forecast = states('sensor.queanbeyan_extended_text_0') %}

        Hello, here is todays weather for Queanbeyan. The current temperature is
        {{ current_temp }} degrees. Todays temperture is forecast to be
        between {{ min_temp }} and {{ max_temp }} degrees. The outlook for today is
        {{ forecast }}. That is all, have a nice day.
        - sensor.canberra_temp
        - sensor.queanbeyan_temp_min_1
        - sensor.queanbeyan_temp_max_1
        - sensor.queanbeyan_extended_text_0

If I post the weather code into developer tools template, it returns the expected values, yet the developer tools states returns unknown.

I attempt to update the weather with:

service: homeassistant.update_entity
  entity_id: sensor.announcement_message_weather

Yet it still returns unknown. Anyone know why that is?

Connecting to weather forecasts and information has changed recently.
I suggest searching weather forecast this website as you may have to change things.
I know of this post in the cookbook that may help, otherwise maybe someone that has a better handle on this might see your post here.
Definitive guide to Weather integrations 🌦.

Thanks… I just don’t get why it works in developer tools but not as a template sensor.

Something related to the forecast is a LOT of words and info, so it was moved out of attributes into being pulled with a service or something.

If your sensor.queanbeyan_extended_text_0 is giving out what you want as forecast attribute, this is ok. For the template sensor it’s just another sensor.

But what are the entity_ids at the end for? I forgot a lot about the old format, which you use here (btw. the new template sensors are really good!), but I’m quite sure, there weren’t any entity_ids. :slight_smile:

I thought they were to be added so the entities updated as they changed.

I am not sure why, but I had to make two template sensors. One for the temps and another for the outlook. Combining the two returns unknown… (for an unknown reason!).

So I have:

      value_template: >-
        {% set current_temp = states('sensor.canberra_temp') %}
        {% set min_temp = states('sensor.queanbeyan_temp_min_1') %}
        {% set max_temp = states('sensor.queanbeyan_temp_max_1') %}
        "Hello. Here is todays weather for Queanbeyan. The current temperature is {{ current_temp }} 
        degrees. Todays temperture is forecast to be between {{ min_temp }} and {{ max_temp }} 
    #      entity_id:
    #        - sensor.canberra_temp
    #        - sensor.queanbeyan_temp_min_1
    #        - sensor.queanbeyan_temp_max_1

      value_template: >-
        {% set forecast = states('sensor.queanbeyan_extended_text_0') %}
        "The outlook for today is {{ forecast }} That is all. Have a nice day."
    #      entity_id: sensor.queanbeyan_extended_text_0

I commented out the entity_id lines as well.

I don’t know why, but it works!

That’s strange. :open_mouth: But I’d speculate, that something else has solved this, like a restart or such a thing. If you want to, try in a few days to combine the sensors again, and see what happens. :slight_smile:

Good you got it working !:slight_smile:

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Couldn’t even combine them into a seperate sensor either.