Sorry to keep spamming you. So the rest sensors are the first set of code below. I also created a binary_sensor for the GPS tracker as below. Is that necessary as I see the Ram Location showing up on the map? I won’t be using it for automations or anything as I’m only doing hour scan interval. I just want access to it on the map. The binary sensor I created has the lat/long in the attributes but the state is on/off instead of home/not_home. I like something that has the home/not_home setup for a lovelace card but I could keep value_template to the address and get an idea where it is.
The binary sensor says off for some reason…so I assumed off was Home…
The rest sensor with the lat/long shows inside my zone but shows on the map…I thought any trackers that were inside the home zone didn’t show on the map?
If you can’t come up with a home/away state, just make it a sensor instead of binary sensor with the state OK. Then attach it to a person entity named your truck and it will then do home/away for it. But tbh, you said earlier that you could only connect to the truck locally. So there’s really no point in home/away. Whenever the sensor is available, it’s home.
No the server is just a local php file. All that php file is, is really a token getter and a receiver for the json data. I can connect to my home assistant and my truck away from home. Sorry if I was misunderstood.