Variable energy prices EasyEnergy (NL)

The intergration works great, thank. Is it possible to see the prices an hour for today and tomorrow in the future.

At the moment there is no support for this (mapping the hour prices), this has to do with how we handle attributes in core and that we don’t want to overload the state machine with data. There are ideas to tackle this better in the future, but we have not reached that stage yet.

thanks for the beta.

Would be awsome to add the tax to it.
Like the price with tax included (option) like on this screenshot.



I think this should be fairly simple to add to the snesor file?

Current file:

SENSORS: tuple[EasyEnergySensorEntityDescription, …] = (
name=“Current hour”,
value_fn=lambda data: data.gas_today.current_price if data.gas_today else None,

Perhaps we need to modify the value statement? Don’t know how to do it, but perhaps some of you know?

something like this?
value_fn=lambda data: ((data.gas_today.current_price*1,21)+0,1089+0,01903+0,59266) if data.gas_today else None,

I think you charge double VAT on the basic price now :wink:

Hi Klaas,

the pricing we get with your integration already includes VAT? (yes is the answer :))
And would my line work if I change it (sorry, i’m a real noob in programming / code)

The prices we collect are standard including VAT. I think your code will work, although my preference would be to work with a template entity.

Don;t know how to make a template entity… but this works :slight_smile:

SENSORS: tuple[EasyEnergySensorEntityDescription, …] = (
name=“Current hour”,
value_fn=lambda data: (data.gas_today.current_price+0.1089+0.01903+0.59266) if data.gas_today else None,

Well at least easier than running the integration as a custom and messing around in the python code :rofl:

At the end of this month I will also put another blog online, with some additional information (such as the template entities) about the easyEnergy integration.

FYI, we are currently working on a solution to request hourly price data via a service call in the core integration, so that you have the option to put this in a template sensor. This makes it possible to map all prices into a nice Apexchart again :wink:

Can one provide current values for the following variables in all-in price sensor?

{% set energy_tax = PUT_HERE_THE_PRICE %}
{% set purch_costs = PUT_HERE_THE_PRICE %}

I tried to dig them from tarievenblad, but basic maths is not enough to understand how €0,65473 has turned into €0,32737 :thinking:
Thanks in advance!

It’s pretty simple math, dividing by 2: 0,32737 is half of 0,65473.
Your tarievenblad shows the price for 2 kWh, and the price at the bottom is the price per kWh.

Thanks! I have missed that :upside_down_face:
Does sensor.easyenergy_today_energy_return_current_hour_price include VAT? If not, then I believe we can put

{% set energy_tax = 0.12599 %}
{% set purchase_costs = 0.018+0.0075 %}
{% set current_price = states('sensor.easyenergy_today_energy_usage_current_hour_price') | float(0) %}
{{ current_price + (energy_tax + purchase_costs) * 1.21 | round(2) }}

and we should get what NextEnergy calls “Beursprijs+”.
In general I wanted to emphasize for this integration users, that real all-in price (template) needs more sophisticated day-based calculations.
Would be great if one shares how one uses this integration and for what purposes :grinning:

Prices include VAT and with your example code you also calculate VAT on the energy_tax and purchase_costs.

Thanks for hint, I’ve fixed also the above post. Have you got ready-to-use formulae to calculate “Beursprijs+” price? I am comparing the price generated by template with NextEnergy application and it shows a bit too high price (€0.40 instead of €0.36). It could be that NextEnergy trades differently than EasyEnergy… :thinking: