Variables in template for lovelace cards

That is 7 auto-entities cards inside a view. You can 100% copy each card yourself.

Copy what’s in the red box, as that’s the first auto-entities card. The second starts the line below it. Remove the leading spaces but maintain interior indentation.

EDIT: The marked solution contains the individual card.

Thanks!! I figured I was missing something simple here lol. I’ve only been using HA for a couple weeks and still learning how to make things. Couldn’t wrap my head around why I kept having a bunch of errors.

Been using this now since I got it all configured last month but noticed that during the last week or so, saturday games show under monday night football, and I suspect during the playoffs, there may be other instances of this. So to make it simpler, I simply have everything in 1 card that is all the games playing that week without being separated by the T## in the date.

However, I was surprised to see that there was no sort option for date. Is there a way to add that so I can just sort the games by when they are playing?