VELUX KLF 200 pairing with Somfy IO motors and remotes

I have only grouped two motors on one channel, and when I position to that channel and click prog, both motrs goes up/down, hit search on klf200 interface and nothing…cant find 6th and 7th motor…

I have all motors on separate channels. But few of them are also on group channel and Klf can’t operate them on this channel. I think Klf can operate only motors with dedicated channels, not group channel.

Hi, sorry if I hijack this thread. Since the remote is RF, wouldn’t it be possible to communicate directly from a RF device hooked up to HA, then transmitting up/down from HA? Meaning that you could skip the KLF 200 in that way?

As Somfy IO is a closed protocol we need an IO compatible device like the KLF 200 to speak with IO devices.

Makes sense and thanks for replying. I hoped that someone had reverse engineered it in some way…

I want to share my experiences as I couldn’t find much information when I was searching about the KLF 200 (part of Velux Integra line).
I have 9 Somfy IO motors for rolling shutters in my house and I wanted to control them by Home Assistant. All shutters came installed with their dedicated IO controller programmed by the installer of the shutter (Smoove 1 and Situo 5).
As the IO protocol is closed you need a device that you can control and that can speak IO. Somfy has their own devices which require internet connection to the Somfy API to control your devices, which I didn’t like. I was looking for something local.

I bought mine online for 174 euros shipping included (making it the most expensive part of my HA setup, together with the comfoconnect box to control my ventilation unit).

The velux KLF 200 gateway is designed to control velux devices but as they speak IO you can pair Somfy IO motors to it as well. The main purpose of the KLF200 is to connect hardwired switches to the KLF and translate those controls to IO controls. Additionally it has its own local API accessible over ethernet which is what I was interested in.
HA has an integration for this device so you need only to add a couple of lines of configuration for it to work which is of course much easier than tinkering around with the velux python libraries (pyvlx) or directly accessing the local API (for which the complete reference is available online).

One common misconception about the KLF200 is that it can only control five devices. You can only connect five hardwired switches but you can pair up to 200 IO devices (according to the manual). Anyway, I could connect nine IO motors without issue.
My device came delivered with firmware which is the newest at the moment.

Setup went easy: plug in the USB charger (included) and connect ethernet. It sets up a private wifi network.
Connect to the wifi network provided by the KLF and surf to address klf200.velux (as by instructions).
Once there, you can configure things like DHCP and device password and you can pair your IO devices.
You can also configure it to disable its wireless after a while. When you need to configure it again, you just restart the device.
The configuration web interface seems accessible over its private wifi network only. But you can access the API over its wired connection.

To pair Somfy devices, the instructions written by spigot earlier work perfect:

  1. Login to KLF200 web interface
  2. Pick the remote control for the shutter you want to pair or on the remote control, select which roller shutter you want to pair. Move the shutter down a bit.
  3. On the remote control, hold “PROG” button for few seconds → roller shutter should go “up”/“down” a little bit to indicate it is in pairing mode.
  4. Release “PROG” button.
  5. Click “search new device” button in KLF200 web interface.
  6. Within 10-20 seconds KLF discovers the new motor.
  7. You can give a name to the motor. This name is reflected in HA.

In HA, after you included the velux integration, you can control them as just another shutter: e.g. cover.shutter2 where “shutter2” is the name you give it in the KLF interface.

Example code for a button moving rolling shutter number 2 to 15 percent open (e.g. to shade from sun but still let some light in)

- type: button
    icon: 'mdi:theme-light-dark'
      action: call-service
      service: cover.set_cover_position
        entity_id: cover.shutter2
        position: 15

For now (two months after installing) the device works fine

  • HA exposed the newly added IO devices after restarting HA
  • connection HA-KLF seems stable for the moment
  • range seems OK: no issues with KLF located on one side of the house controlling IO motor on other side of the house through concrete floor.
  • the original remote controls still work without issue
  • the gateway works two-way: HA reports the actual position of the shutter
  • you might run into issues with the ssl authentication on the router, sometimes you need to do a hard reboot. The documentation for the component shows you how to initiate a soft reboot when you stop HA which migh prevent this issue. (error message SSL handshake is taking longer than 60.0 seconds)

20 days after this post, are you still happy with this integration?

yes, I did not encounter any issues at all so far.

Hi, does this solution with the KLF 200 work with any Somfy IO motor. I have some other Sun protection application then blinds.

If I use this rather than the Somfy connexoon I can run everything local i.s.o. a third party server, correct ?


hi, i know we can use this integration in HA
but does anyone know if we can use the KLF with Rest API commands, like Curl ?
anyone got an example?

you could check out the source code of the pyvlx libraries

Not so familiar with coding :frowning:

I want to migrate covers from somfy connexoon to KLF200. The guide from Spigot requires a remote control which I do not have. Is it still possible to register motors in KLF200 and how? Anyone tried that?

Just to answer my question on if a remote controler is needed for the migration: No, Somfy Android application can do the same thing. Migration was as easy as a breeze.

I’ve 10 Somfy Shutters with Somfy Oximo io Motor and using the Smoove Origin io switch for each separate shutter.

Unfortunately it not sufficient for pairing! I had to use the tahoma box and export the key to the Velux KFL-200

The Network Connection of the KFL 200 cost a lot of nerves as it wasnt stable at all connecting it directly to a Fritz Box Router. As i also had a Netgears unmanage switch, the connection is stable and sync with 1Gbit instead of 10Mbit ( fritz ) .

Pairing was easy, either straight after exporting the key run the discover and it will sync with the tahoma box detecting all devices at once, or use the ‘prog’ key on one of the hand switches.

@PX80 I’m about to move to this Velux KLF 200 too and I have exactly your situation: Somfy Motors and Smoove Origin io switches.
What are you exactly referring to when you say “exporting the key”? Is this downloading a file from the Tahoma Box (if so, how) or is this in the webinterface over Tahomalink? There I have three options:

  • Send security key (to a remote control)
  • Receive security key (from a remote control)
  • Generate new security key

Assuming you were referring to “send security key” from the web interface, is that correct?

Good Morning, you will have to log into the Tahomalink Website and from their dashboard yu can “Send security key (to a remote control)”. Then you have ~10min to press the “key” button on the KFL200. You will then get a message on the Somfy Website, that the key has been transmitted. Then simply search for new products on the KFL200

Let me know if this worked for you

Thanks, I will give that a try as soon as the KLF200 is setup and running.
Once the devices have been added to KLF200, are they still listed in Tahoma? Meaning, can they be controlled by KLF200 and Tahoma or just by KLF200 thereafter?


Hello Fair,

at least the config is stored on both. Not sure if you can control them both simultaniously.

Let us know :wink:

Cheers, i have 13 shutter blinds with remotes IO. I am now planning to buy KLF 200, i hope it still work localy with HASS :slight_smile: Please somebody comment if its okay.
Thank you