(Very) Basic Homeassistant dashboard for E-ink devices and Kiosk apps

i just tried this on my paperwhite, i can load all the entity but when i press on or off, i just no respond, but if i load that on pc browser, it works, any idea?

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Did you add
cors allowed origin null (and maybe

Problem with https…

ssl certificate for address not expired up to 08 oct 2022 ( certificate obtained from the Let’s Encrypt )

under module in configuration.yaml, add:

  - 'null'

create token and place in ManualLOCAL.html

I try to configure address local https://192.****:8123/
or external configured in ssl https://address_on_my_server:8123/

same error - 401: Unauthorized


Any solution for https ?

can you share your html file?

401 is not necessarily an https issue, are you sure you are using the long lived API token and that it is valid?

My mistake!
I didn’t have to change "Bearer " to a username

I am so lost, how do I link my entities to the cards???

in my case I saw the issue was on the hassaddress, my address was missing http(S), after including it, it worked :slight_smile:

This is a very cool project thank you all for keeping it alive!


Based on this, I’ve created Kfloorp!

A similar dashboard, but with no need to create templates, no python scripts and easier to host.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Check it out:

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