Hmmm… I think this is mainly caused by the sluggishness of the automation and the too fast reset of the payload from the device.
NoneType is maybe bc the payload is already vanished when it tries to compare the payload with the values in the automation.
Simplified ~~~> a timing issue.
In z2mqtt I think you have an option to retain a payload for longer.
Can you try it? I sadly can’t now cause the remotes are in the rooms where my people are already sleeping
Sorry, don’t using the blueprint anymore.
Had it just for one automation, which throwed the warning. Since I removed it, the warnings are gone.
Sadly can’t test it anymore.
First of all, thanks for this blueprint!
I’m all new to HA and still trying to figure my devices out. I just came from enOcean PTM 215Z switch configuration and when setting up that i had some “problems” with the dimming decrease and increase wasn’t too smooth. I found some code inside that topic which led me to a smoother dimming.
So when I found this blueprint I used the same code for the hold function, but here it’s stepping. Its like it decrease or increase brightness for 3 seconds, then hold a very short pause and then do it again for 3 seconds until light is either off or on full brightness. Can anyone maybe tell me what the problem could be and a possible solution?
I’ve also tried another code but it is still stepping in the brightness not that much but does still occurs. I can get it smoother if i put a higher transition value, but stepping is never fully removed.
If I look at the topic settings (settings>> MQTT>> basic topic) it says zigbee2mqtt so that is default like the blueprint.
Then I entered the friendly name of the device (in this case, Dimmer livingroom)
And then in entered a very normal call service toggle light option in the “release” section. But nothing happens.
I just started messing with this. I suck at yaml but my code does have smooth dimming. I think if you mess with the % and transition it could be pretty customizable. Let me know if this works well.
I’ve tried your code and it’s better, but still not totally smooth. I could start playing with transition and brightness step but I would prefer to use mqtt.publish command, I read somewhere that it should be better than the other solution (brightness_step/brightness_step_pct). Any experience how to get that (mqtt.publish) to operate smoother?
Like I also mentioned in my first comment i use this code for my enOcean PTM 215Z and it operate like a charm, so I don’t know why it’s a problem when using Hue dimmer switch.
I have the same problem i cant not get the blueprint to work. I have tried both the friendly name and the mqqt id that was given at the time. I still dont get a response. if i set up my own automation i can get it to work.
Fairly new to HA and Z2M, but just discovered this blueprint and it is just what I needed. Thanks for sharing!
As a related question - I was initially attempting to set up this switch in Z2M using a bind. Has anyone had success with direct binding of this Hue Dimmer Switch to a light or set of lights using the Z2M GUI (Bind under device settings)?
Despite getting messages that the switch is bound to a light successfully i have had no luck getting a response using that method… just curious if anyone had similar experience.
conditions: ‘{{(’‘hold’’ in trigger.payload_json.action) or (‘‘release’’ in trigger.payload_json.action)
or ‘‘press’’ in trigger.payload_json.action}}’
by this line:
conditions: ‘{{(trigger.payload_json.action is not none) and ((’‘hold’’ in trigger.payload_json.action) or (‘‘release’’ in trigger.payload_json.action) or (‘‘press’’ in trigger.payload_json.action))}}’
Reason: Hue dimmers are sending status updates regulary. However, these payloads do not have an “action” item. Hence, the whole payload is NULL which leads to this warning.
You can enable the legacy action triggers in the z2mqtt options (tab “homeassasitant integration”) Then all should work again (till this is then depracted) but for the time beeing, this is a good way to go.