Very Easy Custom Philips Hue Dimmer Switch for Z2M(Zigbee2MQTT)

You need to use the name you entered (or was entered for you) for the device in Z2M not what you have in HA.

I just started messing with this. I suck at yaml but my code does have smooth dimming. I think if you mess with the % and transition it could be pretty customizable. Let me know if this works well.

alias: Livingroom dim
description: Dims livingroom when held
  path: patpac9/Hue_Dimmer_Switch_Easy_Custom_Buttons.yaml
    controller: Hallway hue switch
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          brightness_step_pct: -20
          transition: 2
          entity_id: light.livingroom
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          brightness_step_pct: 20
          transition: 2
          entity_id: light.livingroom

Hi. Thanks for your reply.

I’ve tried your code and it’s better, but still not totally smooth. I could start playing with transition and brightness step but I would prefer to use mqtt.publish command, I read somewhere that it should be better than the other solution (brightness_step/brightness_step_pct). Any experience how to get that (mqtt.publish) to operate smoother?
Like I also mentioned in my first comment i use this code for my enOcean PTM 215Z and it operate like a charm, so I don’t know why it’s a problem when using Hue dimmer switch.

I have the same problem i cant not get the blueprint to work. I have tried both the friendly name and the mqqt id that was given at the time. I still dont get a response. if i set up my own automation i can get it to work.