Victron Energy Smart Battery Sense Bluetooth integration

It was in the reddit post I linked but it’s since been deleted. Don’t remember the details, but it involved running a script or small program in Linux to login to the device and extract the key. Not terribly complicated but way more involved versus just opening the app.

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It’s been 3 months since last post and looking for any updated info:

I’m using victron-hacs (Victron BLE) integrated into a new supervisor. It “see’s” my two Blue Smart IP67 Battery Charger devices, no entities. Are advertisement keys available yet for these chargers?

I don’t have one of those, but per this I’m guessing the firmware for those devices isn’t passively sending out (instant readout) the info (you don’t have to actually login to the device to get the info, it’s just constantly sending it out) like the ‘BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor’ is:

I assume you’ve updated the firmware on the device to the latest? Only other thing would be to bug Victron about adding that to it.

Yes, running version 6.05. I’ll try bugging them. I appreciate the reply.

I’d also highly recommend taking a ‘nice’ approach when you contact them. My understanding with the device this thread is about, they made the decision to make the key easy to get from the app basically just for this integration (i.e. they did the right/nice thing once before already). So it seems there’s at least some folks there that get it and care about their customers.

@lasakro, any luck getting the key or have you heard anything from the support? tried adding my smart charger as well but cant see thee key in the Android app, and the Windows app dousent seem to discover the device through bluetooth.

Hey guys,

Just tried to integrate my new Sun Inverter 12/250 without luck. The device is added but there are no entities.

The log report is underneath. Any pointers anyone?

Warm regards,


2024-08-20 20:54:56.714 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.config_flow] <BluetoothServiceInfoBleak name=F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE address=F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE rssi=-102 manufacturer_data={737: b'\x10\x025\xa2\x03\xb5\x89c\x0e\xbd\xff\xb4\xa8t\xf6\xca\xf0\xb5T'} service_data={} service_uuids=[] source=10:06:1C:16:7C:28 connectable=True time=377038.911572957 tx_power=None>
2024-08-20 20:56:31.129 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved (None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2696, in async_call
    raise ServiceNotFound(domain, service) from None
homeassistant.exceptions.ServiceNotFound: Action notify.moblie_app_ipad_van_h not found
2024-08-20 21:00:13.981 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved (None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2696, in async_call
    raise ServiceNotFound(domain, service) from None
homeassistant.exceptions.ServiceNotFound: Action notify.moblie_app_ipad_van_h not found
2024-08-20 21:02:07.158 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Parsing Victron BLE advertisement data: {737: b'\x10\x025\xa2\x03c\x8bc\xa8\x08?.\xa4\x0e\xa1v\x8f\xe5\xb9'}
2024-08-20 21:02:07.158 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Could not identify Victron device type
2024-08-20 21:02:07.158 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.sensor] IN 2here: PassiveBluetoothDataUpdate(devices={None: {'name': 'F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE', 'manufacturer': 'Victron'}}, entity_descriptions={}, entity_names={}, entity_data={})
2024-08-20 21:02:12.553 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Parsing Victron BLE advertisement data: {737: b'\x10\x025\xa2\x03i\x8bc\xab\xe4\t\xaf\xd98i\x91N\xe8\x1a'}
2024-08-20 21:02:12.554 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Could not identify Victron device type
2024-08-20 21:02:12.554 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.sensor] IN 2here: PassiveBluetoothDataUpdate(devices={None: {'name': 'F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE', 'manufacturer': 'Victron'}}, entity_descriptions={}, entity_names={}, entity_data={})
2024-08-20 21:02:24.525 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Parsing Victron BLE advertisement data: {737: b'\x02L\xcd\xb9V\x99\xdfC0\x02\x0b}\x07\x1a\x1f\xcc\xb2\x80c\xfe$\xbf'}
2024-08-20 21:02:24.525 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.sensor] IN 2here: PassiveBluetoothDataUpdate(devices={None: {'name': 'F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE', 'manufacturer': 'Victron'}}, entity_descriptions={}, entity_names={}, entity_data={})
2024-08-20 21:02:29.130 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Parsing Victron BLE advertisement data: {737: b'\x02L\xcd\xb9V\x99\x11D0\x02U\xde\x7fk\x00\xfc}pb\xf4`\xf9'}
2024-08-20 21:02:29.131 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.sensor] IN 2here: PassiveBluetoothDataUpdate(devices={None: {'name': 'F7:F9:A9:83:8F:BE', 'manufacturer': 'Victron'}}, entity_descriptions={}, entity_names={}, entity_data={})
2024-08-20 21:02:35.681 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.victron_ble.device] Parsing Victron BLE advertisement data: {737: b'\x10\x025\xa2\x03\x80\x8bcvElG\xc0k\xc2s\xdf;\xae'}

In case anyone else finds this, I couldn’t find the “advertisement key”…its actually the ENCRYPTION key in the app product info page. Copy that and paste it in when setting up the HACS integration