Virtual light sensor

And there is a perfect integration available for Max elevation.
Have a look at Phil s other work
But you should know I think, as you already use that?

You mean the enhanced sun sensor? Or what?

or what?
No, the enhanced Sun integration is now deprecated and has been replaced by the other Sun integration Phil wrote, as is noted in the first line of the readme.

You really should start reading the documentation …

Yes, you’re right, but do you think it’s easy to read tons of lines of documentation for me with not native english language? :roll_eyes: :pray:

Hi Barman!

Are you still using this? Bumping, because I copied your adaptation before, using the Weatherbit irradiance sensor, which now has almost become useless (because weatherbit diminished the free api calls to 50 a day…)

so Looking at the Buienradar again, made me remember that doesnt provide the irradiance sensor for my location. se also Buienradar missing irradiance · Issue #51581 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I did however find it in the new integration, so a simple replacement was easy. Just letting you know that is available.

For the Buienradar: would you know where to find the Api list of stations? I might want to try and find a nearby station that does carry the irradiance, and setup a second station for that specifically.

I know we should be able to check that, but forgot how we can get to that open data listing.



Ive found the 1.0 listing here: and found another station not too distant with an actual value for zonintensiteitWM2, setup the second Buienradar integration et voila, now have a BR irradiance sensor :wink:

checking that Station in, I notice its called sunpower

so posting that for future reference here.

Hi Marius,
Yes, I am still using it and I indeed thought the 50 a day weatherbit free api calls would be an issue, but my sensor still works well enough. The reason I want to stay at weatherbit is that the weather station is really close to my home… See below the graph before weatherbit lowered the daily updates:

And now with the 50 a day it looks quite the same (although a bit more stepped):

I also updated my code with some changes to gain more control. Below my latest code:

      friendly_name: "Percentage of Sunlight"
      icon_template: mdi:brightness-auto
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      value_template: |
        {%- set factors = namespace(condition='',sun='') %}

        {%- set irradiance = states('sensor.weatherbit_solar_radiation') | float %} 
        {%- set elevation = state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') | float %}
        {%- set cloud_coverage = states('sensor.weatherbit_cloud_coverage') | float %}
        {%- set current_condition = states("weather.weatherbit") %}

        {%- set current_condition = current_condition|lower|replace("lightning-rainy","lightning")|replace("partly cloudy w/ ","")|replace("mostly cloudy w/ ","")|replace("freezing","")|replace("and","")|replace("-", " ")|replace("_", " ")|replace("(","")|replace(")","")|replace(" ", "") %}
        {%- set condition_factors = {
          "10000": ("clear", "clearnight", "sunny", "windy", "exceptional"),
          "7500": ("partlycloudy","partlysunny", "mostlysunny", "mostlyclear", "hazy", "hazysunshine", "intermittentclouds"),
          "2500": ("cloudy", "mostlycloudy"),
          "500": ("fog", "rainy", "showers", "pouring", "snowy", "snowyheavy", "snowyrainy", "flurries", "chanceflurries", "chancerain", "chancesleet", "drearyovercast", "sleet"),
          "50": ("hail", "lightning", "tstorms")
        } %}
        {%- for factor in condition_factors if current_condition in condition_factors[factor] %}
          {%- set factors.condition = factor %}
        {%- endfor %}

        {%- set illuminance_pct = (factors.condition |int) / 100  %} {# max illuminance is 10.000, , so  illuminance/100 = pct #}
        {%- set irradiance_pct = irradiance / 10 %} {# max irradiance = 1.000, so  irradiance/10 = pct. See,level%20on%20a%20clear%20day #}
        {%- set adjusted_clouds = cloud_coverage -  irradiance_pct - illuminance_pct %}
        {%- set adjusted_clouds = [adjusted_clouds,0.00000001] |max %} {# cannot devide by zero and exclude negative result #}
        {%- set cloud_factor = (1 - (0.75 * ( adjusted_clouds / 100) ** 3 )) %}
        {%- set min_elevation = -6 %}
        {%- set max_elevation = 61 %} {# find max_elevation at}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = elevation - min_elevation %}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = [adjusted_elevation,0] | max %}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = [adjusted_elevation,max_elevation - min_elevation] | min %}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = adjusted_elevation / (max_elevation - min_elevation) %}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = adjusted_elevation %}
        {%- set adjusted_elevation = adjusted_elevation * 100 %}
        {%- set result = adjusted_elevation * cloud_factor %}
        {%- set result = [result,100] |min %} {# max 100% #}
        {{ result | round }}


nice, let me check that . what specifically do those factors do, hmm

well, a lot so it seems:

got to fix those defaults though :wink: on float and int.

Anybody else noticing (perhaps @swiftlyfalling?) that sunlight_pct is behaving differently in summer this year?

It looks like the Weatherbit integration isn’t going to be supported in the coming months.

Has anyone found an alternate integration that works well with this sensor?