Viseron v3.0.0b1 - Self-hosted, local only NVR and AI Computer Vision software

Trying to run it on “Intel® Celeron® CPU N3150 @ 1.60GHz”. When enabled motion and objects detection all 4 cores loaded on ~90%. Seems “OpenCL” not enabled…

[2020-12-13 07:06:18] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing...
[2020-12-13 07:06:19] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing NVR threads
[2020-12-13 07:06:22] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initialization complete
[ WARN:3] global /root/opencv-master/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp (1417) setUpNet DNN: OpenCL target is not supported with current OpenCL device (tested with GPUs only), switching to CPU.
[2020-12-13 07:08:13] [         ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry, message repeated 8 times

But hardware seems support “VA-API”:

# vainfo
error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment.
error: can't connect to X server!
libva info: VA-API version 1.1.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_1
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
vainfo: VA-API version: 1.1 (libva 2.10.0.pre1)
vainfo: Driver version: Intel i965 driver for Intel(R) CherryView - 2.1.0
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileMPEG2Main              : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileMPEG2Main              : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264ConstrainedBaseline: VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileH264Main               : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264Main               : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileH264High               : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264High               : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileH264MultiviewHigh      : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264MultiviewHigh      : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileH264StereoHigh         : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileH264StereoHigh         : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileVC1Simple              : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Main                : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVC1Advanced            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileNone                   : VAEntrypointVideoProc
      VAProfileJPEGBaseline           : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileJPEGBaseline           : VAEntrypointEncPicture
      VAProfileVP8Version0_3          : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVP8Version0_3          : VAEntrypointEncSlice
      VAProfileHEVCMain               : VAEntrypointVLD

Specs also said that it supported:

Any ideas where the issue? Thanks.

Update: seems it not supported :frowning:

Ok, tried on “i3-5010U”, one from 4 cores loaded on 100%, in log I see:

OpenCV(ocl4dnn): consider to specify kernel configuration cache directory
                 via OPENCV_OCL4DNN_CONFIG_PATH parameter.
[2020-12-13 22:27:29] [         ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry, message repeated 13 times

P.S. One camera running 1920x1080 at 6 FPS.

Seems I need try “EdgeTPU”.

@roflcoopter is “viseron” works with “Mini PCIe Accelerator” ( As I understand device will be “/dev/apex_0”, not “/dev/bus/usb”.

Can you check if this command outputs anything?

docker run --rm --device /dev/dri chihchun/opencl-beignet clinfo

I have had another user with the same issue, and beignet supported that CPU.
Since it seems that there might be a need to run Viseron on older CPUs i can consider adding another docker container which uses beignet OpenCL instead of Intels

Yes it should work with the PCIe, however i dont have one and i have not tested it myself.
Viseron will first try to load the USB version, and if it cant be found Viseron will try to load the PCIe version.

Hi @roflcoopter
Trying to implement this.
My docker file looks like below.

version: "3.7"

    image: roflcoopter/viseron:latest
    container_name: viseron
      - './recordings/:/recordings'
      - './config/:/config'
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    network_mode: "host"
       - "/dev/dri"

And here is my configuration

# See the README for the full list of configuration options.
  - name: "Garage Front"
    host: !secret CAMERA_1_IP
    port: !secret CAMERA_1_PORT
    stream_format: rtsp
    username: !secret CAMERA_1_USER
    password: !secret CAMERA_1_PW
    path: //h264Preview_01_sub
      interval: 1
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      interval: 1
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.8
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.8
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.8

  lookback: 10
  timeout: 10
  retain: 7
  folder: /recordings

# MQTT is optional
 broker: !secret MQTT_1_IP
 port: !secret MQTT_1_PORT
 username: !secret MQTT_1_USER
 password: !secret MQTT_1_PW
  level: debug

But then, I get divide by zero error.

[2020-12-16 21:09:05] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - -------------------------------------------
[2020-12-16 21:09:05] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing...
[2020-12-16 21:09:05] [root                    ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting cleanup scheduler
[2020-12-16 21:09:06] [root                    ] [DEBUG   ] - Running initial cleanup
[2020-12-16 21:09:06] [lib.cleanup             ] [DEBUG   ] - Running cleanup
[2020-12-16 21:09:06] [lib.mqtt                ] [INFO    ] - Initializing MQTT connection
[2020-12-16 21:09:06] [lib.detector            ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing object detector darknet
[2020-12-16 21:09:13] [lib.detector            ] [DEBUG   ] - Object detector initialized
[2020-12-16 21:09:13] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing NVR threads
[2020-12-16 21:09:13] [lib.nvr.garage_front    ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing NVR thread
[2020-12-16 21:09:13] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing camera Garage Front
[2020-12-16 21:09:13] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Getting stream information for <Camera>
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [WARNING ] - ffprobe failed to get stream information
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Resolution: 640x480 @ 0 FPS
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Camera Garage Front initialized
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.motion.garage_front ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing motion detector
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.motion.garage_front ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detector initialized
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting decoder thread
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting decoder thread, message repeated 2 times
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.nvr.garage_front    ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting camera
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting capture thread
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.recorder.garage_front] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing ffmpeg recorder
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.recorder.garage_front] [DEBUG   ] - Creating folder /segments/Garage Front
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - FFMPEG decoder command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -strict experimental -fflags +genpts -stimeout 5000000 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -vsync 0 -rtsp_transport tcp -i <CAMERA_LINK> -f segment -segment_time 5 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an /segments/Garage Front/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.mp4 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv12 pipe:1
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [lib.nvr.garage_front    ] [DEBUG   ] - NVR thread initialized
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Running object detection at 1s interval, every 0 frame(s)
[2020-12-16 21:09:32] [ ] [DEBUG   ] - Running motion detection at 1s interval, every 0 frame(s)
[2020-12-16 21:09:33] [lib.mqtt                ] [DEBUG   ] - MQTT connected with returncode 0
[2020-12-16 21:09:33] [lib.nvr.garage_front    ] [DEBUG   ] - Waiting for first frame
[2020-12-16 21:09:33] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initialization complete
Exception in thread Thread-8:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/src/viseron/lib/", line 423, in capture_pipe
    if motion_frame_number % motion_decoder_interval_calculated == 0:
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo

Any idea what is going wrong…

Sorry you’re having issues!

I think you should remove one / from the path like this:

  - name: "Garage Front"
    host: !secret CAMERA_1_IP
    port: !secret CAMERA_1_PORT
    stream_format: rtsp
    username: !secret CAMERA_1_USER
    password: !secret CAMERA_1_PW
    path: /h264Preview_01_sub
      interval: 1
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      interval: 1
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.8
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.8
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.8

  lookback: 10
  timeout: 10
  retain: 7
  folder: /recordings

# MQTT is optional
 broker: !secret MQTT_1_IP
 port: !secret MQTT_1_PORT
 username: !secret MQTT_1_USER
 password: !secret MQTT_1_PW
  level: debug

Thanks for reply @roflcoopter.
If I remove “/” then stream is itself getting failed.
[2020-12-17 19:00:50] [ ] [WARNING ] - ffprobe failed to get stream information
And even though, error is still there :

Exception in thread Thread-8:
18:00:58 Traceback (most recent call last):
18:00:58 File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
18:00:58 File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
18:00:58 self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
18:00:58 File "/src/viseron/lib/", line 423, in capture_pipe
18:00:58 if motion_frame_number % motion_decoder_interval_calculated == 0:
18:00:58 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Okay… found it. Rootcause is Issue 58

Ahh i see, looked weird to me!

I thought i had fixed this but apparently not, ill take a look at it

I’m finally getting back to trying this ages later. I’m piping 2 of my cameras into it, have an nvidia gpu and a edge tpu. I’ve got one thumb nail to save so far, but no recordings and I’m not totally sure that the edgetpu is working as there is a lot of errors about object_detection queue being full. It does say it is using it though. Thoughts?

  - name: Driveway
    port: 554
    username: user
    password: pass
    path: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
    fps: 12
    width: 2592
    height: 1520
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1200
      height: 1200
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6

  - name: FrontDoor
    port: 554
    username: user
    password: pass
    path: /h264/ch01/main/av_stream
    fps: 12
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1000
      height: 1000
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6

  type: edgetpu
  log_all_objects: true
  model_path: /detectors/models/edgetpu/model.tflite
  model_config: /detectors/models/edgetpu/labels.txt

  lookback: 10
  timeout: 10
  retain: 7
  folder: /recordings
    save_to_disk: true

  level: debug
root@server1:/bulk/docker/viseron# docker run --rm -v /bulk/docker/viseron/recordings:/recordings -v /bulk/docker/viseron/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --name viseron --runtime=nvidia -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --privileged roflcoopter/viseron-cuda:latest
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - -------------------------------------------
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing...
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [root                    ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting cleanup scheduler
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [root                    ] [DEBUG   ] - Running initial cleanup
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [lib.cleanup             ] [DEBUG   ] - Running cleanup
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [lib.cleanup             ] [DEBUG   ] - Items in /recordings/2020-12-18: 1
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [lib.detector            ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing object detector edgetpu
[2020-12-18 09:04:05] [lib.detector            ] [DEBUG   ] - OpenCL activated
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [lib.detectors.edgetpu   ] [DEBUG   ] - Using USB EdgeTPU
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [lib.detector            ] [DEBUG   ] - Object detector initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initializing NVR threads
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing NVR thread
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing NVR thread
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing camera Driveway
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing camera FrontDoor
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Getting stream information for rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
[2020-12-18 09:04:08] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Getting stream information for rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/h264/ch01/main/av_stream
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [WARNING ] - ffprobe failed to get stream information
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Resolution: 1920x1080 @ 12 FPS
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Camera FrontDoor initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing motion detector
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detector initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting decoder thread, message repeated 2 times
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting camera
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting capture thread
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [  ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing ffmpeg recorder
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - FFMPEG decoder command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -strict experimental -fflags +genpts -stimeout 5000000 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -vsync 0 -c:v h264_cuvid -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://auser:[email protected]:554/h264/ch01/main/av_stream -f segment -segment_time 5 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an /segments/FrontDoor/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.mp4 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv12 pipe:1
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [  ] [DEBUG   ] - Creating folder /segments/FrontDoor
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Running object detection at 0.5s interval, every 6 frame(s)
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [    ] [DEBUG   ] - Running motion detection at 0.5s interval, every 6 frame(s)
[2020-12-18 09:04:11] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - NVR thread initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [WARNING ] - ffprobe failed to get stream information
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Resolution: 2592x1520 @ 12 FPS
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Camera Driveway initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.motion.driveway     ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing motion detector
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.motion.driveway     ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detector initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting decoder thread, message repeated 2 times
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting camera
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting capture thread
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Initializing ffmpeg recorder
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - FFMPEG decoder command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -avoid_negative_ts make_zero -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay -strict experimental -fflags +genpts -stimeout 5000000 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -vsync 0 -c:v h264_cuvid -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif -f segment -segment_time 5 -segment_format mp4 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 -c copy -an /segments/Driveway/%Y%m%d%H%M%S.mp4 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv12 pipe:1
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Creating folder /segments/Driveway
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - NVR thread initialized
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - Waiting for first frame
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Waiting for first frame
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Initialization complete
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Running object detection at 0.5s interval, every 6 frame(s)
[2020-12-18 09:04:18] [     ] [DEBUG   ] - Running motion detection at 0.5s interval, every 6 frame(s)
[2020-12-18 09:04:19] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - First frame received
[2020-12-18 09:04:21] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - First frame received
 [2020-12-18 09:19:34] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.02126
[2020-12-18 09:19:34] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.02018
[2020-12-18 09:19:35] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.02017
[2020-12-18 09:19:35] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-18 09:19:35] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-18 09:19:35] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-18 09:19:35] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
[2020-12-18 09:27:14] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.0217
[2020-12-18 09:27:14] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.03193
[2020-12-18 09:27:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.04833
[2020-12-18 09:27:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-18 09:27:15] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-18 09:27:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.04861
[2020-12-18 09:27:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.06412
[2020-12-18 09:27:16] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-18 09:27:16] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.05522
[2020-12-18 09:27:16] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-18 09:27:16] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.05032
[2020-12-18 09:27:17] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-18 09:27:17] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-18 09:27:17] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
[2020-12-18 09:27:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.02178
[2020-12-18 09:27:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.02029

Ok, why dont you just make it work without edge or nvidia, and then swap to hardware container? This way you can be sure if it i config issue at all , or viseron not using correct hardware

Thanks for checking it out!

The warning is nothing to worry about really, but its strange that nothing is detected.
I think the logging settings might get overridden, can you try this config and see if you are getting any logs from the EdgeTPU?

  - name: Driveway
    port: 554
    username: user
    password: pass
    path: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
    fps: 12
    width: 2592
    height: 1520
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1200
      height: 1200
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6
      log_all_objects: true
        level: debug

  - name: FrontDoor
    port: 554
    username: user
    password: pass
    path: /h264/ch01/main/av_stream
    fps: 12
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1000
      height: 1000
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6
      log_all_objects: true
        level: debug

  type: edgetpu
  log_all_objects: true
  model_path: /detectors/models/edgetpu/model.tflite
  model_config: /detectors/models/edgetpu/labels.txt

  lookback: 10
  timeout: 10
  retain: 7
  folder: /recordings
    save_to_disk: true

  level: debug

All i did was add

      log_all_objects: true
        level: debug

under each object_detection block. Your config should work tho so im gonna have to take a look at it

Adding those and setting trigger_detector: false on both I just end up with

[2020-12-21 00:00:57] [    ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 00:00:58] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry

I did get

[2020-12-20 23:59:55] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [], message repeated 2 times  

One time. There are two cars in view of the one camera and one for the other so something should always be detected. Will it record on motion if nothing is detected? It ran all weekend and no recordings or thumbnails generated after lots of motion events. I just started it to run tonight with the edgetpu commented out and the added logging.

I must be missing something simple. No recordings still.

[2020-12-21 10:33:39] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 10:33:39] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-21 10:33:39] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:39] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.05038
[2020-12-21 10:33:40] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:40] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.02623
[2020-12-21 10:33:40] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:40] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.02514
[2020-12-21 10:33:41] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:41] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.02441
[2020-12-21 10:33:41] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:41] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 8, max area size: 0.03051
[2020-12-21 10:33:42] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:33:42] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 10:33:42] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
[2020-12-21 10:34:11] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.0719
[2020-12-21 10:34:11] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.08289
[2020-12-21 10:34:11] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.0279
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.08672
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.03413
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.08244
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.03615
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:12] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.08821
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [    ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.03269
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [    ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.12237
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.0335
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [    ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.18453
[2020-12-21 10:34:13] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.02973
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [    ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 8, max area size: 0.08692
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:14] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 9, max area size: 0.03454
[2020-12-21 10:34:15] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 10, max area size: 0.0248
[2020-12-21 10:34:15] [     ] [WARNING ] - object_detection input queue is full. Removing oldest entry
[2020-12-21 10:34:15] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 10:34:15] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
# See the README for the full list of configuration options.
  - name: Driveway
    port: 554
    username: admin
    password: password
    path: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
    fps: 12
    width: 2592
    height: 1520
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1200
      height: 1200
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6
        level: debug

  - name: FrontDoor
    port: 554
    username: admin
    password: password
    path: /h264/ch01/main/av_stream
    fps: 12
    width: 1920
    height: 1080
      interval: .5
      trigger_detector: true
      timeout: true
      max_timeout: 30
      width: 1000
      height: 1000
      area: 0.02
      frames: 3
      interval: .5
        - label: person
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: car
          confidence: 0.6
        - label: truck
          confidence: 0.6
        level: debug

#  type: edgetpu
#  log_all_objects: true
#  model_path: /detectors/models/edgetpu/model.tflite
#  model_config: /detectors/models/edgetpu/labels.txt

  lookback: 10
  timeout: 10
  retain: 7
  folder: /recordings
    save_to_disk: true

  level: debug
root@server1:/bulk/docker/viseron# ls -lahR
total 2.0K
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 17 13:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 5 Dec 17 13:39 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 Dec 21 10:39 config
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 21 10:37 recordings

total 5.5K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    3 Dec 21 10:39 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root    4 Dec 17 13:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8K Dec 21 00:10 config.yaml

total 2.0K
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 21 10:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 17 13:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 2020-12-18
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 thumbnails

total 1.5K
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 21 10:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 FrontDoor

total 650K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    3 Dec 18 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    3 Dec 18 08:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 519K Dec 18 08:48 08:48:45.jpg

total 1.5K
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4 Dec 21 10:37 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3 Dec 18 08:48 FrontDoor

total 650K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    3 Dec 18 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    3 Dec 18 08:48 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 519K Dec 18 08:48 latest_thumbnail.jpg

root@server1:/bulk/docker/viseron# docker run --rm -v /bulk/docker/viseron/recordings:/recordings -v /bulk/docker/viseron/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --name viseron --runtime=nvidia -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --privileged roflcoopter/viseron-cuda:latest

Some more testing:
roflcoopter/viseron-cuda, the above config except edgetpu commented out: Same, nothing records or object detects

roflcoopter/viseron, the above config except edgetpu commented out: Same, nothing records or object detects

roflcoopter/viseron, the above config: everything seems to work except the recording of me in front of the front door camera is missing the first half.

[2020-12-21 12:01:52] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.03889
[2020-12-21 12:01:52] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.875, 'rel_width': 0.11, 'rel_height': 0.115, 'rel_x1': 0.671, 'rel_y1': 0.498, 'rel_x2': 0.781, 'rel_y2': 0.613}]
[2020-12-21 12:01:52] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.02365
[2020-12-21 12:01:53] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.871, 'rel_width': 0.094, 'rel_height': 0.125, 'rel_x1': 0.675, 'rel_y1': 0.495, 'rel_x2': 0.769, 'rel_y2': 0.62}]
[2020-12-21 12:01:53] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.08609
[2020-12-21 12:01:53] [] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 12:01:53] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.872, 'rel_width': 0.079, 'rel_height': 0.117, 'rel_x1': 0.673, 'rel_y1': 0.498, 'rel_x2': 0.752, 'rel_y2': 0.615}]
[2020-12-21 12:01:53] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.10019
[2020-12-21 12:01:54] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.09682
[2020-12-21 12:01:54] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: []
[2020-12-21 12:01:54] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.09709
[2020-12-21 12:01:54] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: []
[2020-12-21 12:01:55] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.0849
[2020-12-21 12:01:55] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: []
[2020-12-21 12:01:55] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 8, max area size: 0.08274
[2020-12-21 12:01:56] [] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: []
[2020-12-21 12:01:56] [] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 9, max area size: 0.08068

Okay this is very odd. Thank you for the detailed reports tho

Can you add publish_image: true under one of the cameras and observe the camera entity created in Home Assistant?

How are the cameras placed? Are they placed high up or far away from the objects you want to detect? I am gonna hook up mu EdgeTPU to my machine with GPU and see if i get the same results

I don’t have anything tired to home assistant yet. They are still recording through zoneminder as well so I am watching them there.

The front door camera is kinda far away and a 180* fish eye, why I have its detection area so small. The drive way camera can be seen here:

There you can see a recording it made when not using the tpu or nvidia. At 38 seconds the mail truck leaves frame, yet the recording kept going for 7 more minutes. I may have made it made because I killed the process as it was sitting there object detecting away. On kill it wrote out the huge video. I’m not sure if since other detectable objects were in frame it decided to keep recording?

Log where it got stuck recording till I killed it. No nvidia, no tpu, but I did enable sub stream on this one. (I was the one ages ago asking about cpu performance vs zoneminder and sub stream as a future feature on reddit :slight_smile: )

[2020-12-21 14:56:03] [       ] [DEBUG   ] - First frame received
[2020-12-21 14:56:09] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - First frame received
[2020-12-21 15:03:36] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.02289
[2020-12-21 15:03:37] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.02322
[2020-12-21 15:03:37] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 15:03:37] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-21 15:03:37] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 15:03:37] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Not recording, pausing object detector
[2020-12-21 15:03:38] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.919, 'rel_width': 0.173, 'rel_height': 0.106, 'rel_x1': 0.543, 'rel_y1': 0.026, 'rel_x2': 0.716, 'rel_y2': 0.132}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.786, 'rel_width': 0.253, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.704, 'rel_y1': 0.029, 'rel_x2': 0.957, 'rel_y2': 0.204}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.78, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.361, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.257, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.618}]
[2020-12-21 15:03:38] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [INFO    ] - Starting recorder
[2020-12-21 15:03:38] [lib.cleanup             ] [DEBUG   ] - Pausing segment cleanup
[2020-12-21 15:03:38] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Saving thumbnail in /recordings/thumbnails/Driveway
[2020-12-21 15:09:49] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.02168
[2020-12-21 15:09:49] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.02322
[2020-12-21 15:09:49] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 15:09:49] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [DEBUG   ] - Starting object detector
[2020-12-21 15:09:50] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.02488
[2020-12-21 15:09:50] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.983, 'rel_width': 0.134, 'rel_height': 0.094, 'rel_x1': 0.337, 'rel_y1': 0.055, 'rel_x2': 0.471, 'rel_y2': 0.149}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.869, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.664, 'rel_width': 0.238, 'rel_height': 0.178, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.029, 'rel_x2': 0.952, 'rel_y2': 0.207}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:50] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.02601
[2020-12-21 15:09:51] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.02776
[2020-12-21 15:09:51] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.99, 'rel_width': 0.135, 'rel_height': 0.101, 'rel_x1': 0.303, 'rel_y1': 0.07, 'rel_x2': 0.438, 'rel_y2': 0.171}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.846, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.358, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.26, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.618}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.641, 'rel_width': 0.231, 'rel_height': 0.178, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.945, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:51] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.02871
[2020-12-21 15:09:52] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.02903
[2020-12-21 15:09:52] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.978, 'rel_width': 0.149, 'rel_height': 0.106, 'rel_x1': 0.274, 'rel_y1': 0.077, 'rel_x2': 0.423, 'rel_y2': 0.183}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.831, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.713, 'rel_width': 0.233, 'rel_height': 0.173, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.207}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:52] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 8, max area size: 0.02808
[2020-12-21 15:09:53] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 9, max area size: 0.02684
[2020-12-21 15:09:53] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.969, 'rel_width': 0.142, 'rel_height': 0.103, 'rel_x1': 0.269, 'rel_y1': 0.082, 'rel_x2': 0.411, 'rel_y2': 0.185}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.829, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.733, 'rel_width': 0.233, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:53] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 10, max area size: 0.02552
[2020-12-21 15:09:54] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 11, max area size: 0.02391
[2020-12-21 15:09:54] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.967, 'rel_width': 0.142, 'rel_height': 0.106, 'rel_x1': 0.269, 'rel_y1': 0.079, 'rel_x2': 0.411, 'rel_y2': 0.185}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.868, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.771, 'rel_width': 0.233, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:54] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 12, max area size: 0.02202
[2020-12-21 15:09:55] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 15:09:55] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.961, 'rel_width': 0.142, 'rel_height': 0.106, 'rel_x1': 0.269, 'rel_y1': 0.079, 'rel_x2': 0.411, 'rel_y2': 0.185}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.908, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.355, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.26, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.696, 'rel_width': 0.238, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.712, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.95, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:56] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.955, 'rel_width': 0.144, 'rel_height': 0.104, 'rel_x1': 0.267, 'rel_y1': 0.079, 'rel_x2': 0.411, 'rel_y2': 0.183}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.907, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.351, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.613}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.698, 'rel_width': 0.238, 'rel_height': 0.176, 'rel_x1': 0.712, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.95, 'rel_y2': 0.207}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:57] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.986, 'rel_width': 0.134, 'rel_height': 0.108, 'rel_x1': 0.296, 'rel_y1': 0.07, 'rel_x2': 0.43, 'rel_y2': 0.178}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.916, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.349, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.264, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.613}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.666, 'rel_width': 0.231, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.945, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 1, max area size: 0.02367
[2020-12-21 15:09:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.997, 'rel_width': 0.142, 'rel_height': 0.089, 'rel_x1': 0.346, 'rel_y1': 0.062, 'rel_x2': 0.488, 'rel_y2': 0.151}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.906, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.731, 'rel_width': 0.231, 'rel_height': 0.175, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.034, 'rel_x2': 0.945, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 2, max area size: 0.03362
[2020-12-21 15:09:58] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion detected
[2020-12-21 15:09:59] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 3, max area size: 0.03786
[2020-12-21 15:09:59] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.989, 'rel_width': 0.139, 'rel_height': 0.089, 'rel_x1': 0.423, 'rel_y1': 0.038, 'rel_x2': 0.562, 'rel_y2': 0.127}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.854, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.837, 'rel_width': 0.236, 'rel_height': 0.178, 'rel_x1': 0.709, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.945, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:09:59] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 4, max area size: 0.04198
[2020-12-21 15:10:00] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 5, max area size: 0.04502
[2020-12-21 15:10:00] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.881, 'rel_width': 0.137, 'rel_height': 0.094, 'rel_x1': 0.538, 'rel_y1': 0.019, 'rel_x2': 0.675, 'rel_y2': 0.113}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.836, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.353, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.262, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.635, 'rel_width': 0.23, 'rel_height': 0.18, 'rel_x1': 0.712, 'rel_y1': 0.029, 'rel_x2': 0.942, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:10:00] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 6, max area size: 0.03045
[2020-12-21 15:10:01] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 7, max area size: 0.03061
[2020-12-21 15:10:01] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.909, 'rel_width': 0.25, 'rel_height': 0.182, 'rel_x1': 0.697, 'rel_y1': 0.022, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.204}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.769, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.36, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.26, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.62}]
[2020-12-21 15:10:01] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 8, max area size: 0.02906
[2020-12-21 15:10:02] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 9, max area size: 0.02688
[2020-12-21 15:10:02] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.872, 'rel_width': 0.188, 'rel_height': 0.355, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.26, 'rel_x2': 0.188, 'rel_y2': 0.615}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.695, 'rel_width': 0.236, 'rel_height': 0.171, 'rel_x1': 0.714, 'rel_y1': 0.038, 'rel_x2': 0.95, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]
[2020-12-21 15:10:02] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Consecutive frames with motion: 10, max area size: 0.02488
[2020-12-21 15:10:03] [lib.nvr.driveway.motion ] [DEBUG   ] - Motion stopped
[2020-12-21 15:10:03] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.823, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.349, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.264, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.613}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.792, 'rel_width': 0.238, 'rel_height': 0.178, 'rel_x1': 0.712, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.95, 'rel_y2': 0.209}]


Trimmed for post max size


[2020-12-21 15:18:00] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.635, 'rel_width': 0.243, 'rel_height': 0.176, 'rel_x1': 0.704, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.207}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.606, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.361, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.257, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.618}]
[2020-12-21 15:18:01] [lib.nvr.driveway.object ] [DEBUG   ] - All objects: [{'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.656, 'rel_width': 0.185, 'rel_height': 0.371, 'rel_x1': 0.0, 'rel_y1': 0.252, 'rel_x2': 0.185, 'rel_y2': 0.623}, {'label': 'car', 'confidence': 0.654, 'rel_width': 0.243, 'rel_height': 0.176, 'rel_x1': 0.704, 'rel_y1': 0.031, 'rel_x2': 0.947, 'rel_y2': 0.207}]
^C[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Ctrl-C received! Sending kill to threads..
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [       ] [INFO    ] - Stopping NVR thread
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [       ] [INFO    ] - Exiting NVR thread
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [    ] [INFO    ] - FFMPEG frame grabber stopped
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [INFO    ] - Stopping NVR thread
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [lib.nvr.driveway        ] [INFO    ] - Exiting NVR thread
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [     ] [INFO    ] - FFMPEG frame grabber stopped
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [INFO    ] - Stopping recorder
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Concatenating segments
[2020-12-21 15:18:02] [root                    ] [INFO    ] - Exiting

[2020-12-21 15:18:35] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Segment information: {'20201221150810.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584890.0, 'end_time': 1608584893.988}, '20201221151229.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585149.0, 'end_time': 1608585152.995}, '20201221150834.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584914.0, 'end_time': 1608584919.991}, '20201221151203.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585123.0, 'end_time': 1608585128.992}, '20201221151213.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585133.0, 'end_time': 1608585138.987}, '20201221151159.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585119.0, 'end_time': 1608585122.986}, '20201221150514.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584714.0, 'end_time': 1608584717.983}, '20201221150804.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584884.0, 'end_time': 1608584889.982}, '20201221151153.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585113.0, 'end_time': 1608585118.979}, '20201221151533.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585333.0, 'end_time': 1608585338.977}, '20201221151439.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585279.0, 'end_time': 1608585282.987}, '20201221150324.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584604.0, 'end_time': 1608584607.989}, '20201221151253.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585173.0, 'end_time': 1608585178.983}, '20201221151519.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585319.0, 'end_time': 1608585322.989}, '20201221150524.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584724.0, 'end_time': 1608584727.984}, '20201221150644.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584804.0, 'end_time': 1608584809.98}, '20201221150850.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584930.0, 'end_time': 1608584933.983}, '20201221151449.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585289.0, 'end_time': 1608585292.983}, '20201221151559.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585359.0, 'end_time': 1608585362.995}, '20201221151139.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585099.0, 'end_time': 1608585102.989}, '20201221151513.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585313.0, 'end_time': 1608585318.975}, '20201221151453.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585293.0, 'end_time': 1608585298.987}, '20201221151639.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585399.0, 'end_time': 1608585404.978}, '20201221150840.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584920.0, 'end_time': 1608584923.984}, '20201221150624.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584784.0, 'end_time': 1608584787.991}, '20201221151735.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585455.0, 'end_time': 1608585458.993}, '20201221150730.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584850.0, 'end_time': 1608584853.985}, '20201221151243.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585163.0, 'end_time': 1608585168.978}, '20201221151459.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585299.0, 'end_time': 1608585302.983}, '20201221151059.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585059.0, 'end_time': 1608585063.005}, '20201221151219.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585139.0, 'end_time': 1608585142.98}, '20201221151029.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585029.0, 'end_time': 1608585032.999}, '20201221150428.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584668.0, 'end_time': 1608584673.992}, '20201221150438.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584678.0, 'end_time': 1608584683.977}, '20201221150734.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584854.0, 'end_time': 1608584859.988}, '20201221151423.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585263.0, 'end_time': 1608585268.984}, '20201221150434.mp4': 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1608585474.98}, '20201221150724.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584844.0, 'end_time': 1608584849.984}, '20201221151333.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585213.0, 'end_time': 1608585218.978}, '20201221150844.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584924.0, 'end_time': 1608584929.979}, '20201221150604.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584764.0, 'end_time': 1608584767.982}, '20201221151149.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585109.0, 'end_time': 1608585112.985}, '20201221150444.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584684.0, 'end_time': 1608584687.985}, '20201221151645.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585405.0, 'end_time': 1608585408.978}, '20201221150940.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584980.0, 'end_time': 1608584983.989}, '20201221150704.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584824.0, 'end_time': 1608584829.985}, '20201221151529.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585329.0, 'end_time': 1608585332.988}, '20201221150618.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584778.0, 'end_time': 1608584783.985}, '20201221150904.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584944.0, 'end_time': 1608584949.979}, '20201221151000.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585000.0, 'end_time': 1608585003.99}, '20201221150344.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584624.0, 'end_time': 1608584627.986}, '20201221150814.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584894.0, 'end_time': 1608584899.967}, '20201221150418.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584658.0, 'end_time': 1608584663.984}, '20201221150820.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584900.0, 'end_time': 1608584903.986}, '20201221151329.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585209.0, 'end_time': 1608585212.992}, '20201221150824.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584904.0, 'end_time': 1608584909.981}, '20201221150744.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584864.0, 'end_time': 1608584869.988}, '20201221151549.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585349.0, 'end_time': 1608585352.983}, '20201221151403.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585243.0, 'end_time': 1608585249.018}, '20201221151719.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585439.0, 'end_time': 1608585444.985}, '20201221150700.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584820.0, 'end_time': 1608584823.996}, '20201221151343.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585223.0, 'end_time': 1608585228.983}, '20201221151309.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585189.0, 'end_time': 1608585192.978}, '20201221151143.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585103.0, 'end_time': 1608585108.98}, '20201221150634.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584794.0, 'end_time': 1608584797.99}, '20201221151053.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585053.0, 'end_time': 1608585058.985}, '20201221151543.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585343.0, 'end_time': 1608585348.99}, '20201221150548.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584748.0, 'end_time': 1608584753.985}, '20201221151359.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585239.0, 'end_time': 1608585242.991}, '20201221150714.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584834.0, 'end_time': 1608584839.982}, '20201221151633.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585393.0, 'end_time': 1608585398.979}, '20201221150754.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584874.0, 'end_time': 1608584879.981}, '20201221150414.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584654.0, 'end_time': 1608584657.984}, '20201221151739.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585459.0, 'end_time': 1608585464.981}, '20201221151419.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585259.0, 'end_time': 1608585262.98}, '20201221151249.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585169.0, 'end_time': 1608585172.989}, '20201221151119.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585079.0, 'end_time': 1608585082.983}, '20201221150710.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584830.0, 'end_time': 1608584833.987}, '20201221151303.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585183.0, 'end_time': 1608585188.988}, '20201221150614.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584774.0, 'end_time': 1608584777.983}, '20201221150528.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584728.0, 'end_time': 1608584733.977}, '20201221150628.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584788.0, 'end_time': 1608584793.989}, '20201221150534.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584734.0, 'end_time': 1608584737.988}, '20201221151319.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585199.0, 'end_time': 1608585202.983}, '20201221151429.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585269.0, 'end_time': 1608585272.997}, '20201221150334.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584614.0, 'end_time': 1608584617.988}, '20201221150638.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584798.0, 'end_time': 1608584803.98}, '20201221151413.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585253.0, 'end_time': 1608585258.984}, '20201221151523.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585323.0, 'end_time': 1608585328.984}, '20201221151233.mp4': {'start_time': 1608585153.0, 'end_time': 1608585158.973}, '20201221150650.mp4': {'start_time': 1608584810.0, 'end_time': 1608584813.983}}
[2020-12-21 15:18:35] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Start event: 1608584608, segment: 20201221150328.mp4
[2020-12-21 15:18:35] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - End event: 1608585482, segment: 20201221151759.mp4
[2020-12-21 15:18:35] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Concatenation command: ['ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-y', '-protocol_whitelist', 'file,pipe', '-f', 'concat', '-safe', '0', '-i', '-', '-c:v', 'copy', '-movflags', '+faststart', '/recordings/2020-12-21/Driveway/15:03:38.mp4']
[2020-12-21 15:18:35] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Segment script:
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150328.mp4'
inpoint 0
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150334.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150338.mp4'
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file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150348.mp4'
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file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150404.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150408.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150414.mp4'
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file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150438.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150444.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150448.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150454.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150458.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150504.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150508.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150514.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150518.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150524.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150528.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150534.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150538.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150544.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150548.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150554.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150558.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150604.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150608.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150614.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150618.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150624.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150628.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150634.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150638.mp4'
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file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150654.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150700.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150704.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150710.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150714.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150720.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150724.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150730.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150734.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150740.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150744.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150750.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150754.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150800.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150804.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150810.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150814.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150820.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150824.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150830.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150834.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150840.mp4'
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file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150850.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150854.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221150900.mp4'
Trimmed 100 rows for post max size.
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151729.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151735.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151739.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151745.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151749.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151755.mp4'
file '/segments/Driveway/20201221151759.mp4'
outpoint 3
[2020-12-21 15:18:54] [lib.recorder.driveway   ] [DEBUG   ] - Segments concatenated
[2020-12-21 15:18:54] [lib.cleanup             ] [DEBUG   ] - Resuming segment cleanup

Yes VIseron records until there are no objects with trigger_recording: true (which is the default for all labels) left in the frame

So do I want trigger_detector: false? Like I want to know what objects were detected, but odds of a car or truck being parked in view at any given time is great. Is there an option that only does the object detection while there is motion?