Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Integration

Ah OK, you’re getting confused. The Panel log file that the integration creates is about the panel events.

With some older panels such as very early Powermax+ panels you’ll need to manually enrol after restarting, but I can take a look at a Home Assistant debug log file to check for you.

To create a Home Assistant log file with debug information please add this to your configuration.yaml file and then zip the log file. Either upload it to Dropbox or similar and place a link here or create an Issue on Github and that will allow you to include zip files in the issue itself.

  default: error
    custom_components.visonic: debug


Hallo Dave, because there is no panel log created, I was indeed confused.

About the manually enrol. In the past I never had te enroll it after a restart.
Thats way I was wondering if its normal or not.

I have created a log file. There ar some other errors to work on at :slightly_smiling_face:

Log file