Visonic Powermax and Powermaster Integration


Please see here on the wiki. It is connecting and then your wifi is being disconnected. Have you tried is on your desk first like this on the wiki, can you turn the blue LED on and off?
Other than that I’d need to see a more detailed home assistant log file, with the logger settings correctly.

Hi dave,

Was just editing a post; I got it all working; config is as follows:

Visonic Powermaster 10
Alarmcard in Dashboard is showing status etc; but I cannot arm / disarm the alarm from HomeAssistant dashboard, what’s wrong; I thought I read something about a pincode in the logfiles; but cannot find that anymore.

Here a link to a log file:

Regards Niels

The integration sends the DISARM command but the pin code is being rejected by the panel.
I see that you’re achieving Powerlink Mode so you must be overriding the code or entering it manually and getting it wrong. I’ve need to see a log file from the start up of the integration to see what settings that you have.

Hi Dave,

First of all thanks again for the terrific support; I’ve changed the override pincode to a user code and that did the trick! I can now arm and disarm the alarm for the HA dashboard!!

Thanks again, so cool that my alarm can be controlled via HA!!!

Regards Niels

The Visonic integration is running stable, next step is integration of the Wemos R1 D2 on my Visonic Powermaster 10 panel. Currently it gets the power from a micro USB cable. What is the best way for power supply the Wemos?

  1. USB cable attached to external USB power plug?
  2. Get power from the prg/ ppa pins of the Visonic board ?
    3.Use a male powerplug and connect this to Wemos. Is is possible to wire the powerplug internally somewhere to the Visonic panel and get power somewhere from there ?

Option has the possibility to restart the wemos without opening the panel. What I like about the other options that everything is inside the panel ans also has backup from the battery of the visonic panel.

What’s the best option?

Regards Niels

It depends on your own situation and where your panel is. I suggest that it’s powered from the Jack Plug power connector as defined here and described here on the wiki, but not powered by both Jack Plug and USB at the same time, this way it’s all internal to the panel. Do not use the prg/ppa pins as they do not provide enough current.

Hi, would be great to get some more help on this as its my first time using a more custom setup.
I just received a USR-WIFI232-D2 plus aerial and have all cables to connect it to the alarm.
How do I proceed now? Can I just plug it in (following the instructions) and then I login to the wifi created by the device? Or do I need to do something first?
Is there some interface after connecting via wifi to provide my home wifi SSID and the password?
Thanks in advance


To power the USR, if you can’t power it locally then connect the power leads to your panel (as per the wiki and your panel type), but I suggest that you do not connect the RS232 leads until you have configured the USR.

I believe that the device creates its own wifi so you’ll need a wifi device to connect to it, I suggest you use your mobile phone unless your PC has a wifi network adapter. Search for wifi hotspots on your phone and you’ll see the SSID, something like USR-WIFI232-D2 (perhaps with letters and numbers after it). Connect to that wifi and open a web browser on your phone. The USR has its own web server built in so you can configure it. When you set the device up to connect to your home network, I suggest that you use a static address outside the range of the DHCP from your router. Also, you’ll need to set the rs232 settings for your panel type.

After that, all the info you need is on the wiki.

Thanks a lot Dave. Will try it out later this week.
I think I read the wiki up and down the entire time I was waiting for delivery, but didnt find anything on setting up the USR-WIFI232 (which makes sense as its only one possibility). So, once more, thanks!
What do you mean by “Also, you’ll need to set the rs232 settings for your panel type.”?

Some panels use 9600 baud, some use 38400, here on the wiki
Good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks for both :smiley:

Hi I added a new motion sensor to my Powermax pro alarm but for some reason it shows up in HA as a smoke zone. I tried to add it to a different zone in the alarm just to be sure it is not something in the alarm, but the latest motion zone is always defined as smoke zone in HA. I tried to add the device class as motion to the customize file. But only changes the device_class but not the sensor type.
I am using Standard Plus mode, but I thought that should still be able to detect the correct sensor type?
Or did I miss anything in the documentation?

device name: Z19
sensor type: Smoke
zone type: 0
zone name: Basement
zone type name: Geen alarm
zone chime: Uit
zone tripped: No
zone tamper: No
device tamper: Yes
zone open: No
visonic device: 19
device_tripped: False
battery_level: 100
device_armed: True
last_tripped_time: null
device_class: motion
friendly_name: Z19 Afdak Serre


Standard Plus downloads the panels EPROM and so you should get the correct data.

Can you please set your Home Assistant logger settings like this on the wiki and look at the Home Assistant log file. You will find an entry similar to the following for each of your sensors:

[Process Settings]      i=0 :    VisonicSensorRef=0xe4   zoneInfo=0xc   ZTypeName=Interior   Chime=Off   SensorType=Motion   zoneName=Kitchen

I need to know:

  • the value of VisonicSensorRef for the unknown sensor and
  • the sensor type (and not just motion detector). I need the make and model number to get it accurate, preferably a http link to the device.

I’ll then set the sensor up better in HA so it recognises it for all users
That’s all for now.

Hi, the motion sensor I am using is a Visonic K-980MCW as seen in this link:
But the strange thing is my Zone 17 is exactly the same model and this one is working fine. Please see below for the info from the log file:
i=16 : VisonicSensorRef=0xf3 zoneInfo=0x7 ZTypeName=Perimeter Chime=Off SensorType=Motion zoneName=Yard
i=18 : VisonicSensorRef=0x1a zoneInfo=0x0 ZTypeName=Non-Alarm Chime=Off SensorType=Smoke zoneName=Basement
Please let me know if require more information

That should do it I think, I’ve just uploaded a new release to Github if you can give it a try (I’m pretty confident it will work though :slight_smile: )

Hi Dave, indeed this update fixed the issue!
Thanks again for your quick help!

Are you getting data out of your panel at all, although without a multimeter or oscilloscope I’m not sure how you can tell?

I do have access to a multimeter. What should I look for to validate the TX pin on the powermax is transmitting? Black probe on ground connecting and red probe on the tx connection?

Hi Folks - Does anyone use Node Red? Now that my phone line has been disconnected, I dont get called by the alarm when it triggers so I now need to rely on Home Assistant and I use Node Red for most of my automations/triggers etc.

All I want to do is, when the siren sounds (due to motion or door sensor trigger), I would like to send a notification. However I have been playing around today trying to find out what states show up from the entities exposed as per the screenshot. In the example, I armed the alarm and then once it was active I triggered a motion sensor but you will see nothing updated (no motion trigger or anything to say the siren had started. The next bit you see is the disarm command going through.

I am not an expert in NodeRed by any means so I may be missing something - Can anyone help with some advice or examples etc?



I suggest that you either:

Need to access a state attribute from within NodeRed, I don’t know how to do that but within HA the attribute is called Panel Siren Active of the alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm Entity.

Or you could first create a binary sensor from the attribute in Home Assistant and then use that sensor from Node Red. Something like this:

- platform: template
  scan_interval: 5
        value_template: >-
                    {{ state_attr('alarm_control_panel.visonic_alarm', 'Panel Siren Active') == "Yes"}}
        friendly_name: 'Siren' 

That should expose a new binary sensor called visonic_siren_active to NodeRed I think. It may use the friendly name instead. You also may need to alter the scan_interval.

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Something like that, I would assume that you should get a voltage reading from the Tx pin on the DC setting of your multimeter. It may continually vary as the panel transmits.
EDIT: As the multimeter will average the voltage over time it may be quite erratic. @pocket may be able to help if he’s still around, he always helped to sort the hardware questions in the past.