Voice Chapter 7 - Supercharged wake words and timers

The Sat1 hardware won’t necessarily unlock that feature, but with a little hacking it should be possible to build what you’re describing today, I think? Perhaps you could use the multi-wake-word and multi-pipeline mapping feature and have one of the wake word/pipelines fire up a UDP stream (you’d have to custom-build a UDP streaming ESP component) targeting the correct STT endpoint for your application.

Just thinking out loud.

Oh I see. So this looks like it may be doable. I assume you will be using a highly modified version of voice kit. Or a replacement.

Should actually be more of a slightly modified version of voice-kit, actually. But it’s a bit hard to be 100% sure because everything is happening so fast on both projects. I’ll make a point to catch up with the HA voice guys here really soon to ensure we’re on the same path. Our FutureProofHomes/Satellite1-ESPHome repo should go live really soon.

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@FutureProofHomes maybe it would be a good idea for you to create your repo as a downstream fork of esphome’s voice-kit repository then just add your own patches and modifications to yor forked repo as that way it should be easier to keep up with the HA voice guys upstream repo and even simpler to submit patches to them as upstream? See → GitHub - esphome/voice-kit

Not a bad idea at all. We’re working on getting our Github Actions Build & Release strategy dialed in so our ESPWebTools and releases are automated… once our repo stabilizes I’ll see what the viability of a downstream fork might look like depending on the deltas in our repo and firmwares. Thanks for thinking out loud! I like it.


Seems like a few boards are coming, this is another one. More based on the concept of a multi-sensor and local voice assistant…

I have an ESP32-S3-BOX-3, how do I set it up to have the 3 wake words? Is it possible yet?

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How do we go about getting microwakeword v2 onto a box3-s3? Currently im using this:

  name: esp32-s3-box-3-6405bc
  friendly_name: Kitchen ESP Box
  micro_wake_word_model: alexa
  esphome.voice-assistant: github://esphome/wake-word-voice-assistants/esp32-s3-box-3/esp32-s3-box-3.yaml@main //<-- this guy
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}