Voice Chapter 8 - Assist in the home today

I am interested in rhasspy-speech - still running Rhasspy, so I am very happy to pre-define the allowed sentences. It is mentioned to be a port of Rhasspy’s Kaldi - but I assume there are some benefits ?

I am running HAOS and have avoided learning Docker … but it looks from the rhasspy-speech github that users need to create and populate a Docker image - or have I misunderstood ?

Is rhasspy-speech likely to be packaged up as a HA add-on (like Rhasspy and Whisper) ? I am assuming that it just wasn’t a high priority before the announcement.

You can already install it. Just search for it under addon.

OK…Just in time for X-mas…



I think you have to install this addon repository. GitHub - rhasspy/hassio-addons: Add-ons for Home Assistant's Hass.IO

I did not add any special repository so it seems to work without. I just double checked.

In my add-on store rhasspy speech shows up in the rhasspy hass.io repo section.

Yes you are correct. I managed to confuse myself :rofl::rofl:

Thanks Merc. Maybe I’m getting old, or too used to searching in the user friendly IU … but I forgot to slick the [Add-on store], where, sure enough, rhasspy speech was included in the Rhasspy Hass.IO Add-Ons (which repository I had previously installed, per nickrout’s reminder).

Installed, and initiallised, and I looked at the Log … a fair few errors, and it failed to work out pronounciation for a lot of words including “-”. Rather than hijack this more general thread I will move to the Assist: Rhasspy-Speech for Speech-to-Text thread.


I played with llama3.2:3b a bit. It’s recommended to use mistral or llama2:13b models, llama3.2:3b also works. I set it as fallback to Assist and it can control HA. I limit exposed devices to 20.

I wish it could ignore areas, I noticed a lot of problems because of it. It refuses to turn on or off device because you haven’t specifed area.

When i told it to Pause, it paused music, and also turned all my lamps in the room. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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I wish that HA Preview edition was exposed to Music Assistant addon(or if someone could explain how we could possibly do) so that I can use it to playback through that app, and possibly link multiple so I can have around house audio playback of my playlists etc

As I don’t yet have mine I can’t verify this, but if the Home Assistant Voice has an associated media player entity, it should be possible to configure the Music Assistant to use that using the Home Assistant Plugin Provider and Home Assistant Media Players Player Provider.

Form some reason it isn’t exposed as a media playback device in Music Assistant which is very frustrating. I can however select trh device itself and perform local media playback but unfortunately my HA instance isn’t where I store my media, and if I can get it working in music assistant it has the ability to group together so I could have the multtimroom audio(plugged into decent speakers) that I am trying to get working

Add the Home Assistant Plugin Provider

Then you should be able to see the device as an available media player listed in the Home Assistant Media Players option.


Hey thanks for that. I’ve done that but still not to be found listed under media players in the music assistant area unfortunately
EDIT - Im wrong, you are indeed correct and Im very happy about this haha thank you!

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I made a thing:

It’s meant for those of you who want to keep the enclosure of the device, but want to have the device near-vertical.



Are there suggestions for speakers? I’d love one I can connect via aux cable that is permanently switched on and ready to play. With normal Bluetooth speakers I’ve found, I have the problem that the switch into standby at some point and aren’t active anymore.

Look for powered PC speakers that have analog in. They can remain on and usually have a hardware on/off toggle.

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