Voice commands intent

I previously asked a similar question, and it received no response for several days. :frowning: If you create a new automation, one of the available triggers is “When the sentence is said …” And that is how I adapted two of my desired intents.

alias: Assist Tell Weather
description: Voice Assistant Tell Me the Weather
  - platform: conversation
      - What is the weather
      - Tell me the weather
      - Give me the weather
      - Weather please
condition: []
  - set_conversation_response: >-
      {% set forecast    = state_attr('weather.kclt_daynight','forecast') %}
      {% set current     = forecast[0].condition | replace('partlycloudy',
      'partly cloudy') %}
      {% set fc_detail   = forecast[0].detailed_description | replace('mph',
      'miles per hour') %}
      {% set temperature = states.sensor.cotech_367959_121_temperature_f.state |
      round | int  %}
      {% set humidity    = states.sensor.cotech_367959_121_humidity.state %}
      The weather is currently {{ current }}. Temperature is {{ temperature }}
      degrees and  humidity is {{ humidity }} percent.  
      The forecast is {{ fc_detail }}  
mode: single