Volvo2Mqtt: Connect your AAOS Volvo 🚙

Hi, I’m having issues regarding this configurations.

I created my account at Developers Volvo, created the Applications and request the publish ( *Status:*Publication under review).

In the Volvo2Mqtt in my home-assistant I added the user and password (from volvo) and the two keys from the applications. But i receive this error: [15:59:51] ERROR: Got unexpected response from the API: Service not enabled

Can you help me?



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Double check that this is not the MQTT connection that is failing.

MQTT connection is green.

Update: without any change now I’m having success in the log file. Smoth and clean, but when I check the sensors (add it in the dashboard) it tells me that is unknow.

Update 2: Is working… thanks.

Anyone get this working in the states? Maybe with a test account?

No, it doesn’t work in the US. It used to – then sometime last year Volvo took the API entirely offline for North America. It worked great before that. Super frustrating.

I took the opportunity to send a note to the API support group about North America access when I got the email above about moving to API 2. Just crickets back. Email address in the note you see above.

Was trying to set this up myself a few weeks ago and ran into the “allowed market” issue too (I’m in the US). Disappointing that a big market like the US is shut down. Maybe the US (and Australia, etc.) is moving to API 2 before other markets and that’s why we’re shut down?

I just received a notice in my Volvo app that two factor authentication is coming. Hopefully that doesn’t add another hurdle to getting this integration to work again.

Just getting back to a new HA install and finding that my previously-solid Volvo integration is no longer working (in the U.S.)!? This sucks.

Does anyone have suggestions for who at Volvo to contact about this? I’m sure my dealer wouldn’t care, but is there a team (with contact info) at Volvo Cars US and/or Volvo in Sweden who might listen??

A couple posts above is a note from Volvo about the change from API 1 to version 2. In that note is a developer support email address. I sent a couple of notes there but received no reply.

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Thanks, @billraff ! I just realized after you pointed that out that I’d received that email, as well. I just replied (not that I expect a prompt response).

I see that there’s an issue with Babel locale = sl_SL.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/volvoAAOS2mqtt/”, line 16, in
File “/volvoAAOS2mqtt/”, line 227, in update_loop
File “/volvoAAOS2mqtt/”, line 237, in update_car_data
last_data_update = format_datetime(, format=“medium”, locale=settings[“babelLocale”])

File “/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/babel/”, line 719, in format_datetime
locale = Locale.parse(locale)

File “/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/babel/”, line 391, in parse
raise UnknownLocaleError(input_id)
babel.core.UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale ‘sl_SL’

Babel locale = en_GB works.

Is there a way to set Load Current Limit so we can adjust the current in function of the current produced by an pv system?

Thanks in advance

No sorry. Currently the api don’t support anything like this.

Would someone please test the otp auth ?

Release: v1.9.0b1
Docker Image: Package volvo2mqtt ¡ GitHub

If this works as expected, I will merge the changes into main.

I was wondering the same thing about XC40 MY24.

I have a solar system integrated into HA and have installed a non-smart EV charger (3-phase 11kw) that was a gift from the dealership. I would love to be able to change Vehicle’s charging current limit (in ampere) in order to maximize my “self-use” of power.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Thanks for a great addon.

Is it possible to get the batteryChargeLevel out? It seems to be returned together with the fuel level on my car but there is no sensor or attribute with the value:

  "data": {
    "fuelAmount": {
      "value": 30.2,
      "unit": "l",
      "timestamp": "2024-03-20T15:50:55.129Z"
    "batteryChargeLevel": {
      "value": 48,
      "unit": "%",
      "timestamp": "2024-03-20T15:58:01.988Z"

It will be very nice when the two new sensors (energy:charging_current_limit and energy:target_battery_level) are available.
After that my HomeAssistant can calculate the cheapest charging time by using the values; SoC, Target SoC, Charging Current and Spot price.
At the moment I have to enter the Target Soc and Charging Current manually.
(I use Volvo Cars app to set the Charging time.)

Re: the connection issue in North America and the transition to API 2, I got this message. I am not a developer of the integration; can anyone who is comment on whether this might be good news for North American drivers who would like a working HA integration again?

Important Notice: Deprecation of Connected Vehicle API Version 1 and Migration to Version 2

Dear Users,

With regards to the previous notice, this is a formal reminder of the imminent deprecation of Connected Vehicle API Version 1 on April 30, 2024. Kindly transition to Version 2 promptly to ensure uninterrupted service.

Explore the latest updates of Connected Vehicle API Version 2 [here]
[Connected Vehicle API Version 2]

For questions/assistances regarding this, contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Developer Portal - Volvo Cars.

@ajfi-droid2 Came here to research the same. They are definitely deprecating version 1 of the api now in favor of version 2 so im sure some updates are in order.

In regards to NA If you scroll down in the notification it explains that NA is not supported explicitly in production however that their api works globally in test.

I am not sure what “in test” affects this integration but it makes me hopeful this project might be able to hit the test instance for us NA folk