Wake On Lan not working with Dell

Im moving my HA VM to bare metal on an old Dell and have enabled everything correctly in the BIOS. However if i shutdown HA, the system shuts down but i do not see any activity lights on the LAN port so cannot use WOL.

Without changing a single item in BIOS if I boot into Windows and shutdown the activity lights are on and WOL works perfectly.

If i power on manually and power off before HA boots WOL then works until the next HA shutdown.

What could be different between how Windows shuts down vs HA?

Interesting… I was going to suggest ethtool

but then thought how on earth do you do that within HASS OS

Seems like there’s a workaround …

Good luck

Win10+ doesn’t actually shutdown, it only suspends.

I found WoL with Win10 was awkward to use as you have to manually shutdown, otherwise Windows Fast Startup breaks WoL.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

I tried all options and have not been successful. I tried it on an old laptop which did work, swapped the SSDs and the laptop WOL works but the Dell does not.

It’s odd that the Dell has no issues with Windows, I may attempt to install ubuntu to see if WOL is still broken but at this point it seems to be hardware mixed with how HA power off.

You tried ethtool in HAOS as per my post above ?

No Idea on how to get ethtool installed in HAOS, but I was able to get WOL working using Network Manager.
Note: I had to shutdown twice to get it to work, first time the activity lights did not flash.

On the HA login CLI type in “Login” and then use the nmcli commands

Well done ! That’s another way :slight_smile:

nmcli is a PITA but you were quite brave to persevere :sweat_smile:

well it was easier than figuring out how to get ethtool installed on HAOS over SSH. I like to my HAOS very simple and not thinker with it too much in the backend. I did get ethtool working in debian, but that’s so much easier.

nmcli was the best approach since it was built in, and i had my VM to fall back to incase i break something.

It’s normally a sleep-state issue, have a look at this:

No that’s not the issue, since it worked in Windows. I it’s a setting in HAOS which i explain above.