Wake-up light alarm with sunrise effect

I did not. I would like to suggest one change to the logic: “if alarm time minus ‘time when alarm is recorded’ is smaller then X hours, then don’t trigger”.

Other options:

  • do not run the automation more than once a day;
  • run it only when alarm is within a determined time range.

Other ideas or considerations?

I cannot get this to work with a helper thats only time. Only date and time will trigger it correctly but i’d like to have it trigger everyday at the same time. Change the helper to date and time it triggers flawlessly, only time and it does nothing. Nothing in logfiles.


Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


Load frontend themes from the themes folder

themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

time_zone: “Europe/Amsterdam”

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
helper: !include helpers.yaml


  • platform: virtual
    name: Office Fan
    speed: True
    speed_count: 5
    direction: True


  • platform: time_date
    • ‘time’
    • ‘date’
    • ‘date_time’
    • ‘date_time_utc’
    • ‘date_time_iso’
    • ‘time_date’
    • ‘time_utc’
    • ‘beat’

Same here. Doesn’t work for me. I enabled the required sensors, but the manual time or manual execution does not work.

@Sbyx can you check if you can fix the blueprint to work again? You would make me and many others really happy :slight_smile:


Would be nice to add RGB colors for more natural “morning” light - starts from some red colors, then smoothly changes to ~“4000K” color. This is how wake up light works in most of separate devices like Philips Wake-Up light.
I have IKEA bulb, using only temperature color makes light quite unnatural, finishes with too white…


I got frustrated with this not working for me and how difficult it was to troubleshoot so I created my own, simpler, not as full featured, and not as easy to set up version that has worked pretty well for me for the past month or so.

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I have this set up with a WLED controled system and everytime it just goes to the last preset I used not the sunrise or slowly light up action. I have made sure that the load at boot is not set and the preset is not set to the default.

thanks, exactly what I was looking for!

Weirdly enough I have Ikea GU10 white range bulbs and they stay on the very warm side.
I have set them to start at 2200 kelvin but at the end when alarm rings the bulbs are only at around 2700 kelvin. I want them to reach their coldest temperature of 4000 kelvin but there is no setting for max temperature and I don’t understand why they stop at 2700 kelvin.

Update: I use Adaptive Lighting. I had previously set to run the service Adaptive Lighting manual control in pre-run, yet as mentioned it was not working correctly.
Now, in the settings of running that service, not only I have set in ‘entity_id’ field the Adaptive Lighting switch that controls my Zigbee light group, but now I also listed every single light of that group in the second optional ‘lights’ field of the service and now it seems to work.

Did you get it working? It works for me very well.

Yesterday i updated home assistent and it tolld me to delete some valeu from the time sensor and now this is not working annymore.

How to solve this?

Hi there,
I am new to home assistant. Found your blueprint and tried it. It looks very promising but I am experiencing the following reproducable glitch: Everything works as expected when I set sunrise duration to 5min (Minimum Brightness=10). But when I set sunrise duration to 10min or above then the light will initially turn on dimmed and warm as expected but after a few seconds it will increase brightness to maximum and cold white. I tested it both with a phillips hue color ambiance and Ikea tradfri color LED, same behaviour. Maybe it’s because they are both RGB bulbs? I am unable to help with the code but glad to test everything.

Noticed errors in automation:
2024-03-05 10:17:00.105 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.aufwachen_szene] Error while executing automation automation.aufwachen_szene: In ‘template’ condition: ValueError: Template error: as_timestamp got invalid input ‘unknown 06:30:00’ when rendering template ‘{{0 < as_timestamp(states(sensor) if sensor != ‘none’ else states(‘sensor.date’) ~ ’ ’ ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(states(‘sensor.date_time_iso’)) <= float(seconds) and states(check_entity) in [‘unknown’, ‘on’, ‘home’]}}’ but no default was specified

Looks like as_timestamp needs a default.

Added some defaults an works now.

<     ~ '' '' ~ manual_time, default=0) - as_timestamp(states(''sensor.date_time_iso''), default=0) <= float(seconds)
>     ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(states(''sensor.date_time_iso'')) <= float(seconds)
<       ~ '' '' ~ manual_time, default=0) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}'
>       ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}'
<           ~ '' '' ~ manual_time, default=0) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}'
>           ~ '' '' ~ manual_time) - as_timestamp(now()) <= float(seconds)}}'
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how can this blueprint be triggered with an webhook.

I have a webhook activated by my phone when the alarm “name” is fired

Just trying this out for the first time!

Sometimes I am already up with lights on before my transition is due to start, in which case it’s jarring for the lights to drop back down and start (which happens e.g. with a standard Hue automation).

To get around this I’ve created a Boolean toggle helper and two automations that switch the helper off if the lights are on, and vice versa.
I’m using this helper entity in the condition section (so if it’s “on” which means my lights are off, the automation will run).

Then I have one request: I plan to use the time manually for now.
Is there a way to be able to quickly view and edit the manual alarm time on HA dashboard, without having to go into and edit the automation?
Perhaps something with building blocks? (I’m not too sure - I’m a newbie having installed HA for the first time a few days ago!)

nvm. readded „time_date“ options and worked again

Govee has a limited amount of connections with server. that’s why it isn’t working

can you share the boolean helper? I was looking for the same!
To set the time manually just need to add an alarm entity and use a similar card like this one:

type: custom:mushroom-entity-card entity: input_datetime.sveglia icon: mdi:alarm fill_container: true

Hi t0kn4r,
what do you mean by nvm
and readded “time_date” where?

thanks in advance.

I was configuring something related to this blueprint today and thought I’d just chime-in to say “Thank you” to @Sbyx as I’ve been relying in this little gem for a couple years now to ensure my kids wake-up nice and fresh :slight_smile:

One minor tweak I did around the check_entity configuration: for each of my kids I’ve created 8 inputs, an overall “wake up alarm enabled” and one additional one for each day of the week, than I have a little section on their dashboards where they can tweak it like this:


This gets around some oddities like my son having his Monday’s classes in the afternoon instead of morning. Also, on the occasional holiday during the week, all it takes is to flip the “enabled” switch off.

The entity to check is templated as follow: (it basically builds an entity ID by adding the day of the week to a fixed prefix, and gets the state of the switch that day. This is ANDed with the global “enabled” flag)

  # determine if Rafael's wake-up light should run today:
  - platform: template
        value_template:  >
          {% set sensor_names = [ 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday','sunday'] %}
          {% set today_name = sensor_names[now().weekday()] %}
          {% set entity_id = 'input_boolean.rafael_wakeup_'+today_name %}
          {{ is_state('input_boolean.rafael_wakeup_enabled', 'on') and is_state(entity_id, 'on') }}```