Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

You are on the right track but you also need to change the class name in the scss file.

Sorry, should have mentioned that I did that as well. Class names all updated, file names all updated.

looks like a docker issue, when exec’ed in I don’t see the new widget in the filesystem. Will destroy and recreate.

hi guzs trying here all the time to get this dashboard running but fail all the time … i here someone with AIO installer HASS on a pi who got this thing running and could provice a step by step tutorial… because it*s just to awesome to not get this running :slight_smile:

would be appreciated!!!

Happy greetings and cheers to all devs here … u all do a amazing great job!!!

you can also contact me on my jabber account: [email protected]

That’s the exact same issue I was having. Files that I would edit from outside the container (e.g. on a code editor on my Mac) wouldn’t be reflected inside the container. From inside the container, they would be completely missing or out of date. I finally gave up on Docker in my test environment, I had so many problems with it.

I have that setup (All-in-one installer for HASS on RPi) and it’s running fine. I did hit a couple hiccups during the install but I don’t remember what they were, it was weeks/months ago. There are step by step instructions in the README.

How about you share more details on what step is failing for you? How far did you get and what errors are you getting? Are you using Docker or not?

This allows me to modify “widget” files external to the container and have them shown in the container:

docker run --name=“hadashboard” -d -v /home/user/hadashboard/dashboards:/app/dashboards -v /home/user/hadashboard/lib/ha_conf.rb:/app/lib/ha_conf.rb -v /home/user/hadashboard/hapush:/app/hapush -v /home/user/hadashboard/widgets:/app/widgets --net=host hadashboard

Basically just mapping the widgets volume.


Yeah I did something similar, but weirdly file updates weren’t always being represented inside the container. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.

Hi thundergreen.

It just so happens I did a complete reinstall on a pi3 earlier today, first the AIO then hadasboard. I have no real idea what I’m doing but here are my steps for what it’s worth. I used instructions from Manual Install but had to make some adjustments. SSH in with putty as usual then…

$ git clone https://github.com/home-assistant/hadashboard.git

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-dev

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4 postgresql-server-dev-9.4 libpq-dev sqlite libsqlite3-dev

$ sudo gem install execjs

$ cd hadashboard

$ sudo gem install dashing

$ sudo gem install bundler

$ bundle

After this last command, again follow the instructions from the manual install where it says…

Next, in the ./lib directory, copy the ha_conf.rb.example file to
ha_conf.rb and edit its settings to reflect your installation, pointing
to the machine Home Assistant is running on and adding your api_key.

init.d file settings changes…



export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games



Hopefully if I’ve done something completely idiotic here it doesn’t end up being repeated by all the beginners like me out there trying to work this out.

The biggest problem I think you have is that you have used fewer tiles than the dashboard is configured for - if you use the right number (8 x 6) the tablet will do a much better job of zooming. You can double up on the size of the tiles if you want to make them bigger.

I took a quick look at this and it is looking pretty good! Once I got it running the dashboard came up perfectly and I tried making some simple global changes to colors which also worked very well.

The only issue I had was that I had to create customize/_application.scss and customize/_variables.scss or the dashboard bombed out with an error. Is there a way to conditionally import them?

Overall I really like this refactor and would love to get a PR to integrate it when you are ready as its a non-breaking change but adds some nice capabilities for customization.

The final piece is going to be to figure out how to do per-widget forground active/inactive color customization and I am still scratching my head about that one.

Anyway thanks for your excellent work on this!


Sounds like you and @lordsiris managed to get further than I ever did. I wasn’t ever able to get HADashboard to start via docker. I’ve been attempting to get this to work as I would like to run HADashboard in the same manner as I do HASS, which is on my unRaid server.

Perhaps we should suspend the dockerfiles within the master until they are verified working properly.

Ah…good call. Let me look into that.

EDIT: Well, despite people asking for this for years from SASS, simple conditional imports (or even just suppressing the error if a file doesn’t exist) from purely within the SASS file isn’t possible. The best approach appears to be to adjust the compiler. I don’t see where the CSS is getting compiled in this project – is that getting inherited from the Dashing gem?

Cool thanks! I will create a PR after I figure out how to make it not break before you create those files.

Yeah that’s tricky. I want to spend a little time thinking through it myself. I have a couple ideas I’m going to test once I get a little time.


Good question - as far as I can tell, the CSS is conditionally compiled on command when the page loads which presumably means the dashing gem is doing it, or possibly the thin web server.

Hi guys, I have been using HASS for the last few months and found hadashboard only last week, absolutely love both, I spend a lot of time last couple of days playing with hadashboard, and I have some questions and issues.

1/ I got the hadashboard and hapush running and seeing all the widgets and live update, however, the halight giving me the issue that when I switch it on, the light will turn on then the icon will go on then off immediately, but the physical light will remain on, same as in the HASS interface. Then when I refresh the hadashboard interface, the icon will turn green again, this only happen when I try to switch on the light, switch off doesn’t have such problem. It works fine with haswitch widget.

2/ Is there a way I can disable the dimmer in the halight widget, most of my light are not dimmable.

3/ I can not get any of my rss feed working, tried all the supplied source (atom, rds etc…) from the link here, still no luck, do I have to modify the news.rb to work with the rss? http://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/rms-live-traffic-rss-feed-sydney-north

Please direct me to the right place if these questions doesn’t belong here, thanks in advance.

Hi kenshin

1 - Have you by any chance set the light switch tiles to a different size?

I had this problem as soon as I increased the height of the buttons above y=1. Setting them to only 1 tile in height seems to work fine. I checked again after updating to latest yesterday and the button press still seems to be off target.

3 - I can’t seem to make rss feeds work either, like you I’m Au. Not sure if that would even be relevant.

Hi Barry, just tried different tile size combination, seems the problem still presist no matter what size the tile is, the icon just go green then blank again, but it will go green after refresh the page.

Found some strange info, when I switch the light from HASS interface, no matter on or off, the hapush will only show switch.office_main_light -> state = off, brightness = 30 , may be this is the reason why the icon turn itself off?

My light setting in HA is as follow.
light 6:
platform: mqtt
name: “Office Main Light”
command_topic: “cmnd/office/mainlight”
state_topic: “stat/office/mainlight”
qos: 2
payload_on: “On”
payload_off: “Off”

Sounds like a different problem to what I experienced then. I have noticed this behaviour occasionally though, maybe on a power switch rather than light and I think it’s on a second page rather than the main page of my erb. The panel I use refreshes every time I approach it so even if it was happening I probably wouldn’t see it unless I looked for it.

Perhaps it’s to do with it being an mqtt light and there is a delay in send and call back to HASS going back and forth through a broker? My lights are limitlessLED and LifX, and a lamp or two on an S20 Orvibo power switch.

Can you send me the log from HAPush when you turn the light on? I am wondering what hass is sending to the dashboard.

For disabling the dimmer - shouldn’t a non dimmable light be regarded as a switch in hass? If so, you should be able to use the switch widget. If it really is a non-dimmable light it would need a new widget.

For the RSS feed - can you post your dashboard erb file and your ha_config.rb and I’ll have a look.