Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

i know it is possible and if i am not mistaken i have seen it come by on the forum.
i dont know a real easy way, but if i am correct the only way to achieve that is to edit in the widget.
and if you start with that you should realise that it would be overwritten when you update dashboard afterwards.

Iā€™m guessing it has something to do with the
data-bgcolor (optional) - the background color of the widget.

but Iā€™m not sure how to change something in the div realtime like that.

I donā€™t have a problem changing it again after update. I figured it was in the switch widget folder. Just donā€™t quite know how to make the change.

in the scss file you could change the background from the icon-on and off.
but it doesnt change the whole background, only behind the icon.

to automaticly change the whole background you need to change something in the coffee file.
but i am not experienced enough in coffee to do it right now.

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My weather widget is not working. I have HA running on a raspi using the AIO installer, and Hadashboard running in docker. Iā€™ve seen the solutions listed earlier, but iā€™ve always included all of the dark sky sensors, so it doesnā€™t seem that thatā€™s the problem. Is there any way to troubleshoot? For instance, should the haweather.html have any dynamic information on it? When I navigate to http://hadashboardip:3030/views/haweather.html, the static info is there, but no dynamic info.

Otherwise, changes to main.erb seem to work fine.

How do you count up for the energy usage? Is it inside HA or outside and just passing data to HA?

Not sure what you mean by static and dynamic information?

Inside HA using an Aeotec Energy usage monitor Zwave device. http://aeotec.com/z-wave-home-energy-measure

Looking for a way to troubleshoot, I went to the /views/haweather.html page directly. The headings came up (Humidity, Rain, Wind, Pressure, etc.) which Iā€™m referring to as static; but there was no weather data there (which Iā€™m referring to as dynamic).

All of the dark sky components are showing up in Home Assistant.

the weather data should show up in your dashboards.
and those are in de dir dashboard with extention .erb

if the data is in HA and not in your dashboard then you probably edited a dashboard file wrong.

if you make a dashboard with the name main.erb you can view that with:

Can you post the erb for the weather widget please? Did you change itā€™s name from the default at all?

i didnt even know it was possible, but it seems that with 3030/views/widgetname.html you look at the widget HTML page directly. (it doesnt do anything so there is no use for it, i think)

already restarted?

Iā€™ve just recently installed hass and hadashboard, but I am having some troubles with launching everything with docker. After running the docker run command the docker logs show this error:

NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/app/hadashboard/hapush/hapush.log'

Here is my hapush.cfg file:

ha_url = ""
ha_key = apikey
dash_host = ""
dash_dir = "/app/hadashboard/dashboards"
logfile = "/app/hadashboard/hapush/hapush.log"

Any ideas?

EDIT: Nevermind, re-read the documentation about hapush and saw where it said the paths need to be a specific path when using docker. Iā€™ve changed the bottom two lines to /app/dashboards and /app/hapush/hapush.log and everything works like a champ!


It would be awesome if this was officially picked up and supported by the HASS dev team (of course with Andrew maintaining lead development of it). Good work.

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Iā€™d love to see screenshots of other peopleā€™s dashboards and hear about what others have done with it. Iā€™m trying to figure out how I want to lay mine out and would love some ideas. Iā€™m sure others would benefit from this as well.

Something better suited for a new thread?

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This thread is getting rather long and unwieldy, so yeah thatā€™s actually a good idea.

Maybe someone could start a new topic with their own dashboard (Iā€™ve seen some really nice looking ones!) and title it ā€œShare your HADashboard setupsā€.

your wish is my command :wink:


I wish YAML was easier to understand.

sorry this geany has only one master :stuck_out_tongue: