WAN Monitor

Anyone have any good examples of monitoring WAN connection? I have been having random disconnects and want to troubleshoot if it is my ISP equipment or something else.

For monitoring, I think most people would probably use the tools in whatever OS youre running, ping, tracert, etc.
HA is not designed to be monitoring software
Perhaps start inside your router logs for any errors

These commands can be wrapped up in yaml though if you really want

Like this, for example:

I use Google Docs as described here; http://lifehacker.com/5896830/use-google-docs-to-monitor-your-websites-uptime. Sends email when Hass goes down and when it starts up.

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There’s also the Speedtest component:

Another possible option might be to use something like Uptime Robot or Pingdom. If you go with Uptime Robot, you can actually integrate your monitors into Home Assistant using the Uptime Robot Binary Sensor that was added in 0.72.

just for reference:

my case: OpenWRT router:

another case is for Apple AirPort Extreme/TimeCapsule routers: