I do not understand this warning or I do not know how to fix it
Protokolldetails ( WARNING )
Logger: homeassistant.components.lovelace
Source: components/lovelace/__init__.py:97
Integration: Lovelace (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:44:29 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:44:29
Resources need to be specified in your configuration.yaml. Please see the docs
Home Assistant 0.109.2
Frontend-Version: 20200427.1 - latest
arch x86_64
dev false
docker false
hassio false
os_name Linux
os_version 5.3.0-51-generic
python_version 3.7.5
timezone Europe/Vaduz
version 0.109.2
virtualenv true
dashboards 1
mode yaml
resources 17
views 9
thank you very much, works perfectly. Actually, I should only have read correctly, because the message says that it belongs in the configuration.
What is the story behind that change? I always put the resources into the ui-lovelace.yaml and they work. Will there be a change in the future that will break this or is saving the resources in the configuration.yaml somehow advantageous?
ui-lovelace.yaml is no longer necessarily where you will define a yaml lovelace configuration. you can now have multiple dashboards each of which can be generated automatically, managed through the ui or managed through yaml.
moving resources to configuration.yaml makes resources available to all dashboards. You can also managed them through the UI if you use storage mode. NOTE: this does not then preclude you from having one or more yaml dashboards.
title: My Awesome Home
badges: []
# View tab title.
- title: Example
# The markdown card will render markdown text.
- type: markdown
title: Lovelace
content: >
Welcome to your **Lovelace UI**.