Warnings: depreciated " devices" and "auto_uart"

You know full well that you responded in exactly that way. To pretend otherwise is just as insulting, and because your github bio expressly tells everyone to expect you to be like that, it shows that not only do you do it deliberately but you pride yourself on it.

Which has nothing to do with what is being asked, and is just self-promotion. Well, congratulations on your ‘amazing’ efforts.

Doesn’t change the issue at hand, which is that the warning messages in the logs should only appear for installed addons.

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I wasn’t trying to speak for you or say that you were offended. I think most of us are thick skinned enough not to pay any attention, it was just an observation that it’s nice to see that it’s not just us at the bottom of the pile that get it :wink:

Are you out of your freaking soul? Please drop that negativity right now. I won’t accept that.

The fact you don’t like the answer on the reasoning doesn’t make me threatening people in a way. Those are not related in issues or PRs. Facts matter in those cases.

It’s not a message about an installed add-on, it is a message about an invalid add-on store listing. I see why they can be mixed up.

This is the point I really wanted to say something that is not allowed according to our CoC. I don’t need a thanks, most certainly not from you (considering the above).

I simply am trying to say that your statement about “not caring” is incorrect; as there is work being done on it.

Getting back to issues…is anyone else seeing:

21-02-08 15:03:43 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.rauc] Host has no rauc support. OTA updates have been disabled.

I believe deliberately insulting people is against the forum rules. Please can a mod do something about this? If I’d have said that I would have had a warning or worse, for an admin to do it is disgraceful.

That is a general message on a Supervised system (on a custom operating system). It means it disabled Over The Air updates for the operating system (as you run your own).

That message is expected on non-Home Assistant Operating Systems machines.

Stop trying to twist Frenck’s words or attack his actions. The Supervisor bug was closed because it is not in fact a Supervisor bug. It’s an issue with the app store listing of some add-ons. Anything else you read into that is wrong.

If you feel like Supervisor log messages can be improved, feel free to open a PR. That discussion should not happen in this thread.

If you feel like the log messages need to disappear all together, please help notify the maintainers of the impacted add-ons. Or, even better, help the add-on maintainers upgrade their configuration.


I haven’t twisted anything, nor have I attacked anyones actions.

I have, however, been ‘attacked’ (personally insulted) by one of your admins.

It is an absolute fact that if I had have ‘attacked’ him in the same way, I would have recieved a warning at the minimum, but more likely a temporary ban. This is why I was very careful not to do it myself.

I believe his breach of the forum rules should be dealt with.

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I understand the warnings and notifying add-on maintainers…but when I get warnings about add-ons that I haven’t added and can’t find…then there’s a problem. How do you suggest we handle those (waiting hopefully is not a good answer)


This is about the add-on store listings. Any add-on you see in the add-on store has their add-on store listing parsed.

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One would hope that there is a way to only parse the add-ons one actually has installed. Perhaps when adding a supervisor add-on, there could be a scan that issues that warning message. Warning messages about things you don’t use leads to long threads like this one :slight_smile:

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Mine happend the same issue, but my setup crash , maybe because i use nodered :expressionless: , have this notification imagen , and can’t access to supervisor tab, and all my addons don’t start, i try recreate hassio container, restart whole system, didn’t work

This is not related to the above. You might create a separate post or try discord for help.

I have two add-ons that have stopped working after this latest Supervisor update.
ADB - Android Debug Bridge - version 0.7.0
RTL_433 to MQTT Bridge - version: 0.2
The logs don’t show any errors but the add-ons will not start.

I think that the problems have to do with access to the USB ports.
Any chance that this problem is related to the auto_uart problem?

im still getting one, even after updating esphome, they say it should be fixed on latest version.
Is anyone else getting this?

21-02-14 12:16:49 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'auto_uart' is deprecated, use 'uart'. Please report this to the maintainer of ESPHome
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@samnewman86 Yes I am getting that warning too…

21-02-14 14:45:45 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config 'auto_uart' is deprecated, use 'uart'. Please report this to the maintainer of ESPHome

I also have the same warning after updating ESP home.

I am getting the same error and I do not even have ESP Home installed. I am also getting the following

21-02-16 20:13:18 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.store.data] Can't read /data/addons/core/vlc/config.json: Service vlc_telnet not found @ data['discovery'][0]. Got 'vlc_telnet'
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The code checks ALL supervisor addons…not just the ones you use. If you aren’t using the addon, just ignore the warning.

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Also getting theses errors on addons that I don’t used.

WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘tmpfs’ use a deprecated format, new it’s only a boolean. Please report this to the maintainer of Music Assistant

WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of Google Assistant Webserver

WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of [DEPRECATED] Open Z-Wave Daemon