Washing Machine HA - Node-Red Setup ESPhome Sonoff POW R2 with Amazon Polly 60 Voices

Always, sharing is what were all here to do.

I understand that, glad there are people like you who are sharing :slight_smile:

Do you have an up-to-date code?
I want to work with him I use “Shelly 1PM”

Do you have the shelly 1pm working in HA ?


yep :slight_smile:

then you only need to change the power state node to your one
and work out what the values are when its on and when its on but in a cycle
you can create to boolean’s in HA helper and reference them

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Can you help me with this?

I can not connect the image

You can share a picture / code of all the automation


The whole code and Node Red flows are at the beginning of thr topic