Waste Collection Schedule Framework


there are a lot of integrations for various waste collection services available in Home Assistant. The downside of this approach is that common features are not consistently implemented or are missing. Therefore I tried to create a framework which can be easily enhanced for new services.

Curently, the framework supports the following services (more will be added over the time and on request):

  • Generic ICS File


  • Brisbane City Council
  • The Hills Council, Sidney


  • Abfall.IO / AbfallPlus.de
  • Abfall Kreis Tübingen
  • AbfallNavi (RegioIT.de)
  • Abfallwirtschaft Stuttgart
  • Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln
  • Berliner Stadtreinigungsbetriebe
  • Jumomind
  • Müllmax
  • Stadtreinigung.Hamburg
  • Abfallwirtschaft Zollernalbkreis
  • MyMüll App


  • HVCGroep
  • Ximmio

New Zealand

  • Wastenet


  • Lerum

United States of America

  • PGH, Pittsburgh
  • Seattle Public Utilities

The complete documentation is available in the GitHub repository:




  • Integrates into Home Assistant’s Calendar view
  • Template support for sensor state (e.g. date format, number of days to next appointment, waste type)
  • Different detail views, e.g. list of upcoming events or next appointment per waste type
  • Limit number of displayed items by count or time
  • Rename waste types
  • Filter unwanted waste types
  • Configurable daily update time
  • Configurable expiration time for today’s collections
  • Support for multiple sources (= services) at the same time
  • Support for multiple sensors at the same time (e.g. one sensor per waste type or one sensor for all waste type)
  • and much more …

Suggestions welcome!


Hi @mampfes,
i used the Abfall.io Integration for a while now, but since yesterday all my sensors show ‘unknown’.

So i installed your framework via HACS and configured it for abfall.io, but the sensor also shows no data.

Is there something wrong with my config, or are there problems with abfall.io?


    - name: abfall_io
        key: 3701fd1ff111f63996ab46a448669ea3
        f_id_kommune: 1069
        f_id_bezirk: 979
        f_id_strasse: 2890
          - 31
          - 28
          - 64
          - 53
          - 84
          - 60


  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    #source_index: 0
    name: Abfall WaBue
    details_format: "upcoming"
    #count: COUNT
    #leadtime: LEADTIME
    #value_template: VALUE_TEMPLATE
    #date_template: DATE_TEMPLATE
    # types:
    #   - Appointment Type 1
    #   - Appointment Type 2


BTW: The ‘details_format’ is not optional like stated in the docs and raises error when omitted.

I also tried the abfall_io.py to get the values, but after selecting the provider the next select is emty too.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @VDRainer,

thanks for the info. Abfall.io obviously changed their API yesterday or today, they require a valid user-agent now (I assume to reject all the scrapers). I uploaded a fix to HACS, it should work again now.

I also fixed the non-optional details_format. It should be really optional now.


Thanks very much for your fast fix!
Now the sensor works as expected.

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Hi @mampfes,

Thank you very much for this nice framework. My custom_component create based on beyer-tom.de stopped working yesterday evening half past nine. This afternoon I tried to get it to work again but wasn‘t successfully.

I think your code looks better as there are more configuration options instead of changing python script. Furthermore I saw the test parts for new sources.

I’m interested in following waste collection dates:

I changed configuration:

# Waste collection
    - name: abfall_io
      #fetch_time: FETCH_TIME
      #day_switch_time: DAY_SWITCH_TIME
      #separator: SEPARATOR
        key: 8303df78b822c30ff2c2f98e405f86e6
        f_id_kommune: 3317
        f_id_strasse: 289
          - 28
          - 17
          - 48
          - 100
          - 67
        #f_zeitraum: "20200101-20301231"

  # Waste collection
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    #source_index: SOURCE_INDEX
    name: abfall_myk
    #details_format: DETAILS_FORMAT
    #count: COUNT
    #leadtime: LEADTIME
    #value_template: VALUE_TEMPLATE
    #date_template: DATE_TEMPLATE
    #  - Appointment Type 1
    #  - Appointment Type 2
  #- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  #  name: abfall_vallendar
  #  value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}|{{value.daysTo}}|{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}|{{value.date.strftime("%a")}}'

Works great!

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Just an idea, to prevent this in the future, wouldn’t it make sense to fetch the data at a random time?
Maybe fetch_time: "01:00-02:00"

Thanks once again for this great integration. :+1:

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Thanks for the suggestion, that’s a very good idea because we definitely don’t want to annoy the service providers! I would add a new option with a default value which defines the range for a random offset to the fetch time. What would be a good default value? 1h - or should it be even more? Testing of this feature requires some days… :grimacing:

has anybody an example for the Stadtreinigung.Hamburg waste collection setup?


Ok, figured out, that for Stadtreinigung.Hamburg I have to run a python script.
But how?
I launched an issue (question for some advice) at Github already.

If someone here has additional hints, that would be great.


No clue about a python env on windows, but after installing module inquirer

pip install inquirer

and start it with

python /path/to/stadtreinigung_hamburg.py

it works for me.

If you like, you can tell me the street and house number per PM and i send the result back.

Unfortunately, inquirer is not available on Windows! Everything else @VDRainer provided is correct. (maybe you have to use pip3 instead of pip).

EDIT: Fixed it myself by not being an idiot for 5 seconds


I also have a problem (mostly because I’m completely new to HA, so sorry in advance :D)

My entity/sensor doesn’t show anything: Screenshot_33

The iCal file is located in /config/www/garbage.ics"

My source in configuration.yaml:
EDIT: There was my problem. It works now after I changed the “file:” to "www/garbage.ics"

    - name: ics
        #url: URL
        file: "/local/garbage.ics"
        #offset: OFFSET

The sensor in sensor.yaml

### Garbage Schedule ###
- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  #source_index: 0
  name: Garbage Schedule
  details_format: "upcoming"
  #count: COUNT
  #leadtime: LEADTIME
  #value_template: VALUE_TEMPLATE
  #date_template: DATE_TEMPLATE
  # types:
  #   - Appointment Type 1
  #   - Appointment Type 2

I’m guessing that I’m doing something wrong in pointing at the garbage.ics file, but I’m not sure and just hella confused by now :smile:

May I ask what kind of Lovelace Card you’re using there?

@Loony1 Card type also fixed?

Whoops, yes, sorry!

No problem! :+1:

Hi, my sensor show ‘B in 2 days’. How can i change the ‘B’ to ‘Bio’ and ‘days’ to ‘Tage’?

Hi, this requires 2 steps:

  1. Add customize to your source definition to set an alias for the requires waste types:
    - name: SOURCE
        - type: B
          alias: Bio
  1. Set the value_template in your sensor definition:
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: NAME
    value_template: '{{value.types|join(" + ")}} in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen'

I’m not at home right now therefore please excuse errors because I wrote this out of my head.

Many many thanks. Works perfectly.

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Great Framework, many thanks! I use it with my Google Calender ICS and it works flawlessly.

However, one question:

I have three different types defined under customize:

        - type: Wertstofftonne
          alias: Gelbe Tonne
        - type: Hausmuell
          alias: Hausmuell
        - type: Altpapier
          alias: Altpapier

Now, I would like to have one button for each showing when it will be handled, e.g. “Hausmuell will be handled in 3 days”. I am using custom:button-card. Any hints how to do this?

Yes: Create multiple sensors, one per waste type. For every sensor, add types and set it to the desired waste type:

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: HausmuellDates
      - Hausmuell
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AltpapierDates
      - Altpapier
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