Waste Collection Schedule Framework

If you just have to split events which are separated with an and, try " and ".
If your events are separated with commas and and, you could try a regular expression with groups and alternatives, like "(\\,| and )"

i reinstalled it about 5 five times, everytime in a different way to make sure its working, but i dont get it working again. I looked in the folder path on the pi and checked it with your files vom github
every file is there, no file is missing

please help me to get it working again

I made today’s core update and with some magic its working.
Must have something to do with the backup und the restore on the new SSD

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I did setup the waste collection integration and the releated sensors.
However I am having trouble that the individual sesors do not show any data.

Here is my basic setup:
url to ics calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/5r9dlnvmkaa6kp6ub3q5svm1f8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

Configuration file:

    - name: ics
        url: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/5r9dlnvmkaa6kp6ub3q5svm1f8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
        - type: Papier in VG Leiningerland
          alias: Paper
          icon: mdi:package-variant-closed
        - type: Bio in VG Leiningerland
          alias: Bio
          icon: mdi:leaf
        - type: Gelber Sack in VG Leiningerland
          alias: Recycle
          icon: mdi:recycle
        - type: RestmĂŒll in VG Leiningerland
          alias: Trash
          icon: mdi:delete

  fetch_time: "22:02"
  day_switch_time: "11:00"

Setup of sensors:

Waste collection

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  source_index: 0
  name: WastePaper
  details_format: upcoming
  value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} days{% endif %}'
    - Paper

I can see the sensors, but they do not include values for upcoming bin collections.
Can someone guide me in the right direction where I can find the issue?

Very much appreciate any feedback and comments from your side.

I have change my configuration from a local ICS file to the service provider Abfallwirtschaft Zollernalbkreis thatÂŽs general works.

But my sensors for the collection date will not work. In the config,yaml

    - name: abfall_zollernalbkreis_de
        city: "86"
          - "restmuell"
          - "gelbersack"
          - "papiertonne"
          - "biomuell"
          - "gruenabfall"
          - "schadstoffsammlung"
          - "altpapiersammlung"
          - "schrottsammlung"
          - "weihnachtsbaeume"
          - "elektrosammlung"

This is on on tne not working sensors are in the sensors.yaml

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  name: AbfallPapiermuell
  details_format: "upcoming"
  value_template: "{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}"
    - papiertonne

The status is unkown

That one seems to work.

 - platform: waste_collection_schedule
   name: AbfallNaechsterType
   details_format: "upcoming"
   value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}'
   date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'

Before i switched from the local ICS File to the Service Provider all sensors are working.
Any tipps?

First I would add a sensor without any type specification. You should now see all data and also the exact names that required for the aliases. Then check the type field in the customize section.

If you look at the sensor which is working: Is the displayed waste type exactly papiertonne? If no, correct this.

Hello Steffen,

thanks for your reply I tried your advice, but unfortunately still without success:

Waste colleection integration:

    - name: ics
        url: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/5r9dlnvmkaa6kp6ub3q5svm1f8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

#      customize:
#        - type: "Papier in VG Leiningerland"
#          alias: Paper
#          icon: mdi:package-variant-closed
#        - type: "Bio in VG Leiningerland"
#          alias: Bio
#          icon: mdi:leaf
#        - type: Gelber Sack in VG Leiningerland
#          alias: Recycle
#          icon: mdi:recycle
#        - type: RestmĂŒll in VG Leiningerland
#          alias: Trash
#          icon: mdi:delete

  fetch_time: "22:02"
  day_switch_time: "11:00"

I have also adjusted the sensor:

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  source_index: 0
  name: Waste
  details_format: upcoming
  value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} days{% endif %}'

However my sensor doesn’t show any upcoming events.

Any other hints!?

Thanks for your help,


I have a problem to include some waste types. It’s probably caused by my ics.

Here is my configuration.yaml:

    - name: ics
        file: "www/Abfallkalender.ics"
        - type: 'Abfuhr: BioabfallgefĂ€ĂŸ\, vierzehntĂ€gig'
          alias: BioTonne
          icon: mdi:trash-can
        - type: 'Abfuhr: Gelbe Tonne'
          alias: GelbeTonne
          icon: mdi:recycle
  fetch_time: "04:00"
  day_switch_time: "10:00"

And here my sensors.yaml

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  name: AbfallGelbeTonne
  details_format: "upcoming"
  value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
    - GelbeTonne

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  name: AbfallBioTonne
  details_format: "upcoming"
  value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
    - BioTonne

Sensor AbfallGelbeTonne works, but AbfallBiotonne shows no values.
I think it’s because the format of my ics. Here is how the Summary looks:

SUMMARY:Abfuhr: Gelbe Tonne
SUMMARY:Abfuhr: BioabfallgefĂ€ĂŸ\, vierzehntĂ€gig

How should I set my type for BioTonne? I also tried “” without success.
Thanks for your help.

Hi there

Data collection works perfectly but I can’t quite figure out the correct approach to get the card design I’d like.


    - name: name_of_my_local_service
        address: "obfuscated"
          - type: Garbage
            alias: Red
          - type: Recycle
            alias: Yellow
          - type: Organic
            alias: Green
      calendar_title: "Bins"
  day_switch_time: "12:00"
  separator: " & "


  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Bins
    add_days_to: true
    value_template: "{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} days{% endif %}"
      - Red
      - Yellow
      - Green

sensor.bins has the State: in 2 days and these Attributes:

2022-11-22: Red & Green
2022-11-29: Yellow
daysTo: 2
attribution: Last update: 11/20/22 06:41:43
icon: mdi:numeric-2-box-multiple
friendly_name: Bins

When I add an entity card and choose sensor.bins as the entity, as expected the value is ‘in 2 days’

How do I configure the card to display:

Red & Green in 2 days

Can I do this by adjusting the value template, or am I better of with multiple sensors to place in an entities card?



I am also having issues configuring my sensors, as just “Altpapier” shows correctly. The other Sensors say “Unknown”. The Source seems to be correct as it is shown in the calendar correctly.
I copied the last part of my configuration here, maybe I am missing something, but I can’t figure it out.

#Abfallkalender sensoren
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Altpapier
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
      - Altpapier
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Biomuell
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
      - Biomuell
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Gelber Sack
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
      - Gelber Sack
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Restmuell
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{{ value.daysTo }}'
      - Restmuell

# Abfallkalender 2022
    - name: static
      calendar_title: Altpapier
        type: Altpapier 
        frequency: WEEKLY
        interval: 2
        start: '2022-11-10'
        until: '2022-12-09'
    - name: static
      calendar_title: Biomuell
        type: Biomuell
        frequency: WEEKLY
        interval: 1
        start: '2022-11-14'
        until: '2022-12-27'
    - name: static
      calendar_title: Gelber Sack
        type: Gelber Sack
        frequency: WEEKLY
        interval: 2
        start: '2022-11-14'
        until: '2022-12-27'
    - name: static
      calendar_title: Restmuell 
        type: Restmuell 
        frequency: WEEKLY
        interval: 2
        start: '2022-11-21'
        until: '2022-12-27'    


Hi Guys,

at first many thanks for the integration! I Installed and configured it and it`s working well except for one waste type “Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne, Biotonne” from awb_es_de provider.

The integrations shows the waste type within the upcoming collection dates:


But not within the sensor i added for the waste type:


Integration config:

  - name: awb_es_de
      city: !secret atHome_city
      street: !secret atHome_street
      - type: Papiertonne
        alias: papier
      - type: RestmĂŒll 2-wöchentlich
        alias: rest-2w
      - type: RestmĂŒll 4-wöchentlich, RestmĂŒll 2-wöchentlich
        alias: rest-24w
      - type: Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne, Biotonne
        alias: gelbersack
fetch_time: "00:05"
day_switch_time: "12:00"

Waste sensor for “Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne, Biotonne”

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
  name: next_waste_recycle_collection
    - gelbersack

It seems that the / within the Title is the Problem and the integration don`t parse the text correctly. I tried using

      - type: "Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne, Biotonne"
        alias: gelbersack


      - type: 'Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne, Biotonne'
        alias: gelbersack

and also 

      - type: Gelbe//r Sack//Tonne, Biotonne
        alias: gelbersack

but no one worked. Is it a bug or just an mistake within my configuration?

Versuch doch mal hier

      - type: 'Gelbe/r Sack/Tonne'
        alias: gelbersack
      - type: 'Biotonne'
        alias: biotonne

Ich wĂŒrde behaupten du hast 2 MĂŒllarten gemsicht :upside_down_face:

Hey AndyBa,

Danke fĂŒr den Hinweis. TatsĂ€chlich waren das zwei unterschiedliche MĂŒllarten. Dachte, da die immer am selben Tag abgeholt werden, werden die wie eine MĂŒllart behandelt. :slight_smile:

Jetzt funktionierts!

Hey guys!
This is my first post here! And my second day with HA!
So please have understanding! :slight_smile:

Logfile tells me:
“source not found: Muell”

 and there are also no entries in the calender as well

 and the Entities have the status “unknown”.
So my first thought was, that there is a problem with the .ics file.
I imported it in outlook, and exported it again.
I also used the test.ics file of the installation folder.
I reinstalled the integration
 nothing had an effect

In the configuration.yaml I named it Muell, thats correct. But whereÂŽs the problem? :slight_smile:
I always renamed the entries (summary) in the .ics file

So, sorry I canÂŽt find my mistake!


    - name: Muell
        file: "www/muell2022.ics"
        version: 1
        - type: gelbe Tonne
          alias: gelbeTonne
        - type: blaue Tonne
          alias: blaueTonne
        - type: schwarze Tonne
          alias: schwarzeTonne
        - type: braune Tonne
          alias: brauneTonne
  fetch_time: "04:00"
  day_switch_time: "11:00"


  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallschwarzeTonne
    details_format: upcoming
    count: 4
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
    date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - schwarzeTonne
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallbrauneTonne
    details_format: upcoming
    count: 4
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
    date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - brauneTonne
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallblaueTonne
    details_format: upcoming
    count: 4
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
    date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - blaueTonne
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallgelbeTonne
    details_format: upcoming
    count: 4
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
    date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - gelbeTonne

thanks for your help, thanks for your response!


OK I solved it!
“Muell” has to be renamed into “ics” 
 then it works!

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Hi Flo_93,

I also have issues with the integration of the umweltprofis schedule. Could you already solve it?

Check if the waste types (the ones under types) exactly match the values that are shown in calendar.


ich wollte Fragen ob es möglich ist diesen Abfallentsorger im Programm zu “installieren”

Ich habe es per ics. Kalender integriert. Aber vielleicht ist ja auch eine Integration möglich ?!!?

Viele GrĂŒĂŸe

I just came across this a couple days ago and got it setup and love it. I was wondering if there was a way to split waste types when the names are combined in the ICS file.
Our community’s events list:
“Compostables and recycling”
“Compostables and garbage”

Instead of having 5 different sensors, I’d like to just have the 3 individual types. Is there a way for me to do that when the event name is sometimes combined?

Try: split_at: " and "
For details see ics docu.

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