Waste Collection Schedule Framework

Hello all,

since today I have a similar issue as @N_O; exactly the same log file.
has any one an idea how I can solve it?

Hey @chma73 it is an issue of the abfallplus servers as you can see here:

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Ok so bare with meā€¦ but here is where i am lost. I see that City of Edmonton is supported under Canada. In fact it is supported twice, City of Edmonton and Waste wise APPS. I click it and i follow the instructions, i get the URL for the ICS and strip the client ID. Nothing worksā€¦ i look at the examples and almost all of them have the client ID in the URLā€¦ so why did it tell me to strip it. None of the examples are for city of Edmonton, fineā€¦ but then why was it shown on the page before?

I am stuck at the first important step here, because the instructions say one thing, the examples say another and iā€™ve tried both and they donā€™t seem to work for me. I need some hand holding on this one.

Update: i got it working in the local calendarā€¦ proper dates show up and its split properly. Now my sensors are messed up. working on that.

I had just set up Somerset County Council through the iweb integration and it was working but now itā€™s not pulling through any new dates anymore and getting unknown in my sensors. In the iCal there was date, but since Xmas they have updated things to move dates of collections.

I have checked my setup and nothing has changed, and I canā€™t work out why itā€™s not working. Any ideas?


Looking at the calendar, it looks like itā€™s not pulling through anymore data after this week.

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Has anyone seen a youtube video on how to set this up? Iā€™d like to get it running but Iā€™m dumb

Just go through the installation steps in the documentation slowly:

The problem and danger with YouTube tutorials is that they very quickly go out of date as things move on, but itā€™s not clear to the poor ā€œdumbā€ user (your words) that it no longer applies.

Looks like Iā€™ve got it working thanks. Now to try to get it so I can ask Alexa when and what the next collection is. If anyone has any pointers Iā€™d be happy to hear them.



Actually, Iā€™ve noticed an issueā€¦ food is every week but not showing on the 19th.


    - name: bracknell_forest_gov_uk
        post_code: "xxxx xxx"
        house_number: "xx"

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: Waste collection
      - Food
      - Recycling
      - General Waste

I think the API for Lewisham has broken?
I canā€™t get it to work, when I had it working previously. Additionally some of the links in the .py are leading to 404 pages.
Is there a way of testing this?

Hello, IĀ“m struggerling with the sensors. IĀ“m usiung an .ics file. For me it looks fine, but 2 of 4 are not working - status unkown.

Here the samples from the ,ics file:

LOCATION:Einhonstrasse, 0101 Regenbogen

LOCATION:Einhonstrasse, 0101 Regenbogen


    - name: ics
        file: "www/waste.ics"
        - type: Biotonne
          alias: Bio
          icon: mdi:flower-outline
        - type: Gelbe Tonne
          alias: Gelbe
          icon: mdi:recycle
        - type: RestmĆ¼lltonne
          alias: Rest
          icon: mdi:trash-can
        - type: Papiertonne
          alias: Papier
          icon: mdi:trash-can-outline


  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallRestmuell
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Rest

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallPapierTonne
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Papier

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallGelberSack
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Gelbe

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallBiotonne
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Heute{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Morgen{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} Tagen{% endif %}'
      - Bio

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallRestmuellnext
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: 'am: {{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - Rest

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallPapierTonnenext
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: 'am: {{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - Papier

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallGelberSacknext
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: 'am: {{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - Gelbe

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallBiotonnenext
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: 'am: {{value.date.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}}'
      - Bio
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: AbfallNaechster
    details_format: "upcoming"
    value_template: ' {{ value.daysTo }} '

AbfallNaechster shows all the events form the ics.


CanĀ“t find the error. I now - it was sitting in front of the keyboard :wink:

somebody can help?

Hi Bernd,

I had the same problem (also in Bergisch Gladbach :wink:),
I have put all strings that contain spaces in quotation marks. For example:

    - name: abfallnavi_de
        service: aw-bgl2
        ort: "Bergisch Gladbach"
        strasse: "Voiswinkeler StraƟe"

You have also added an error.
Correct is ā€œservice: aw-bgl2ā€ and not ā€œservice: aw-bg12ā€


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Ok, got the solution. Have to use quotation marks for the trash like ā€œPapiertonneā€œ

Hey Guys,

Iā€™ve got a small issue that Iā€™m struggling to work with a bit - Iā€™m currently using the bruxy integration, and want to move across to this integration, given itā€™s still got support.

One thing I do with the bruxy integration is to call ā€œbin dayā€ the day I have to put the bins out, rather than the day that the bins are collected, which is how this integration works.

How on earth do I get it to subtract a day from the ā€œdaysToā€ value?

value_template: "{{ value.daysTo - 1 }}"

If that doesnā€™t answer the question adequately, show me where you are reading the daysTo value from.

perfect - I was very much too close to what I was trying to do - thanks heaps! :slight_smile:

If I want it to tell me ā€œTodayā€ when itā€™s ā€œbin dayā€ how on earth do I do that? Thatā€™s starting to push my limitsā€¦

The FAQ has the following example, but thatā€™s looking at the actual day, rather than the day the bins go outā€¦

value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo}} days{% endif %}

value_template: "{% if value.daysTo == 1 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 2 %}Tomorrow{% else %}in {{value.daysTo + 1}} days{% endif %}"

duh, makes perfect sense - thanks again


i have the same problem - i live also in NĆ¼rnberg - Humboldtstrā€¦ Can you please provide a valid configuration?

I checked my configuration - now it works:

- name: abfallnavi_de
service: nuernberg
ort: NĆ¼rnberg
strasse: Humboldtstrasse
hausnummer: 12345

Hi all!

I have set up sensors for waste and now I wanted to create automation which triggers 1 day before waste collection (letā€™s say at 9pm day before). I have trouble extracting the value.types from sensor output since Iā€™m quite a noob in programming.

My sensor is:

- platform: waste_collection_schedule
    name: naslednji_odvoz_odpadkov
    value_template: "{{value.types[0]}} čez {{value.daysTo}} dni"
    date_template: '{{value.date.strftime("%a, %d.%m.%Y")}}'

And it works and I get like following output
Preostanek komunalnih odpadkov čez 2 dni

I understand this output is from value.types and value.daysTo

In automation I would use:

  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6
      message: >-
        Jutri odpeljejo {{ states('sensor.naslednji_odvoz_odpadkov', 'value.types' }}.

the part with {{ states('sensor.naslednji_odvoz_odpadkov', 'value.types' }} itā€™s just a wild guess for me.
I donā€™t know how to ā€œextractā€ the sensor state to notificationā€¦Tomorrow is xxxx waste collection.

can someone help me? Or give me some pointers how to write template?