Waste Collection Schedule Framework

You can use the title_template argument for that the default is “{{date.summary}}” but you can add any of the following variables in the string like that:

date.id, date.summary, date.description, date.start, date.end, date.all_day, date.transparent, date.recurring, date.location, date.private, date.created, date.last_modified, date.sequence, date.recurrence_id, date.attendee, date.organizer, date.categories, date.floating, date.status, date.url

But parsing them with the generic ICS source sounds pretty bad, so it’s probably best to write a dedicated source for mzv Rotenburg

I wrote a source here: add Source for MZV Rotenburg Bebra by 5ila5 · Pull Request #3107 · mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule · GitHub

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

With the new Material Symbols for Home Assistant intregation this won’t work anymore doe you ore someone else have any solution?

Is there any way to set this up generically without a service since mine is not listed? I deleted the old bruxy HACS integration yesterday and all my sensors are now gone and I can’t figure out how to get them back.

If you service provider offers a ICS file to download you can use the ICS source (country: generic) hacs_waste_collection_schedule/doc/source/ics.md at 21119553a45e79eeb91d21074399e3348b8bf161 · mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule · GitHub or the manual generic/user defined source: hacs_waste_collection_schedule/doc/source/static.md at 21119553a45e79eeb91d21074399e3348b8bf161 · mampfes/hacs_waste_collection_schedule · GitHub

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I currently don’t have as much time, but I will probably look at it some time