I’m having a slight problem since a few days, something with the calendar is not working as expected, at least my log tells me this:
Logger: homeassistant.components.recorder
Source: components/recorder/__init__.py:454
Integration: Recorder (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:50:51 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:50:51
Event is not JSON serializable: <Event platform_discovered[L]: service=load_platform.calendar, platform=waste_collection_schedule, discovered=api=<custom_components.waste_collection_schedule.WasteCollectionApi object at 0xb1536a78>>
Funny thing, I’ve disabled calendar and excluded the calendar domain from recorder, history and logbook… Any ideas or a direction where to look at? Or could we disable calendarat all from this integration?
Hi, is there anyone out there who can help me to draw a nice icon for Waste Collection Schedule? I want to add it the Home Assistant brands repository, so that is shows up in the list of available integrations in HACS.
The icon shall be free of any license requirements that requires attribution or more.
The example is using sensor entity for all waste types. If you want to have dedicated sensors per waste type, you can simplify the value_template and also the button card configuration (remove split and index operator []).
Hi, I assume you stored the HTML view of the file instead of the raw file.
If I interpret the command line correctly, you try to run the wizard script on Windows. This will probably not work because the necessary inquirer library is currently not supported on Windows. If you don’t have access to a Linux box, you can also send me a PN and I will extract the IDs for you.
It seems, both your assumptions are correct. I have saved the file as raw and the resulting error confirms, that inquirer service is missing. I tried on a windows machine, indeed.
I have an linux machine running, so I will take the opportunity to learn.
However, I really appreciate your offer to extract the ID as I would like to thank you for your great, very versatile HO integration.
thanks for this very usefull framwork. I’m living in Berlin and I have three different waste collection provider at my location: BSR for Restmüll and Biotonne, Berlin Recycling for Altpapier further Alba for Gelber Sack.
BSR source works fine. Berlin Recycling offers an ICS file but I have to login to Kundenportal for download. So I stored this file local and defined it as ICS source.
My source definition:
no I think there is no mistake. I use the build in File Editor, it looks for missing spaces. My other sensors have the same syntax and they working fine.
Thanks for your hint. I have adjusted type but no success. Card entry for Altpapier is still empty.
I tried to read my clendar with the HACS ICS integration https://github.com/KoljaWindeler/ics and it works
You are using multiple sources (BSR + ICS), right? Then you have to add the attribute source_index to the sensor configuration.
So if Altpapier is the 2nd source in your configuration, the sensor config would like this: