šŸ›” Watchman - keeps track of missing entities and services in your config files

Iā€™m confused with this report.

Iā€™ve generated a report and itā€™s showing the following, yet my automatons work fine.

If smth seems to work fine - does not mean it does not have errors.

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I checked the automtions, deselected the entity, reselected it, reran the report and it still reports thisā€¦


The report has names of entities - why not checking them.

You should check your logs for errors.

Take one of the reportā€™s lines and provide the details here (the relevant automation, entity details, etc.). Perhaps we can spot the issue.

From time to time I make backup copies of my various YAML files - and I like to keep the copies in the same folder structure as the rest. Then Watchman also scans these backup copies and of course it then detects a number of obsolete non-existing entities.
How can I make Watchman skip all files with names like this (without having to list every single file)?

<name> - Copy (x).yaml

Where <name> can be i.e. configuration, automation etc. and the ā€˜xā€™ is just an incremental number. Is there a file-name wildcard possibility?

A couple of your ā€œmissingā€ items are examples in custom component .yaml files - you can comment them out.

I would suggest to change extension from ā€œ.yamlā€ to smth like ā€œ.disā€.
It is absolutely needed in case of using packages & commands like ā€œinclude_dir_mergeā€.

In what way is the file extension relevant for my question?
(I have no idea what ā€˜include_dir_mergeā€™ means)

How do I use this? I tried copy/paste into a markdown card but just got text code not your card.

You do not put that code into a markdown card.

  1. Go into edit mode on the dashboard you wish to use
  2. Select add card
  3. Search for manual
  4. Go to YAML and paste that code in

Now, you must have mushroom, stack-in-card and also auto-entities card installed.
Those you can add using HACs to install those custom cards.

Just another huge thank you for this integration. It helped me clean up my HA instances (production and test). Both are running much better, and I found all those pesky typos.

I love this card! It fits right in with the rest of the design ethos of the dashboards. One question: I have tried to insert this code:

        style: |
          ha-card {
            border: none

To remove the borders on the Template cards, but I canā€™t figure out where to put it. Iā€™ve searched the forums, but canā€™t seem to find an example. It does nothing outside of the loop, and inside the loop, it kills the card.

I would appreciate any guidance on how to do this or if it is even possible.

Thank you!


Iā€™ve been trying to figure out how to put a border ON my cards.

I did not know you could specify a card like this:

      template: >-
        {%- for item in
        state_attr("sensor.ha_prod_watchman_missing_entities","entities") -%}
              'type': "custom:mushroom-template-card",
              'entity': item.id,
              'primary': item.state + ' ' + item.id,
              'secondary': item.occurrences,
              'icon_color': "red" if item.state == "missing" else "orange" if item.state == "unavail" else "yellow",
              'icon': "mdi:cloud-alert" if item.state == "missing" else "mdi:cloud-off-outline" if item.state == "unavail" else "mdi:cloud-question"
        {%- endfor -%}

I havenā€™t been able to find a reference for how that works or how deep this code is into HA. No shortage of learning opportunities with this thing, thatā€™s for sure! :smile:

What does this have to do with this integration?

AFAIK, YAML gets parsed before templates, so Iā€™m no sure what this example is supposed to achieve.

If you have no source, how did you find it and how can anybody trust it?

The card I refer to was posted in this forum. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/watchman-keeps-track-of-missing-entities-and-services-in-your-config-files/390391/142?u=mdisabato I was hoping the author of the card would respond.

Thank you.

I see. The best way to get their attention then is to go to that post and hit the reply arrow (grey) on that post ā€” unless theyā€™re suppressing notifications they will get one and it provides the necessary context.

I have a huge number of buttons that clutter up my watchman report with their unknown state because they have never been pressed (reset buttons for ESP devices mostly).

I want to exclude all buttons with unknown states but not exclude buttons that are missing or unavailable.

I donā€™t see a way to do this. I can only exclude the buttons (with any state) OR particular states for all entities.

Unless I am misunderstanding the docs. Is this possible?

I did that. My comment with the code snippet was in reply to a reply to that.