The ccdebugger is required to program the 2530…after that no need
This is similar as using a ft232 for esp
EDIT, do read the link to the ptvo
The ccdebugger is required to program the 2530…after that no need
This is similar as using a ft232 for esp
EDIT, do read the link to the ptvo
sorry do not understand edit…
Got it working at the basis, you can see the debugger (for flashing) at the top and the red light indicating magnetic detection.
Now I need to combine this in a case with battery and then connect to the watermeter…so not fully done yet
Additional finding, 2 AAA not enough to get a signal frm the sensor, the board connects but no sensor… I fear this mayb not gling to work but…QED afetr I get it installed in the next 1-2 weeks
EDIT : First test with the meter, no luck, the sensor does not detect the rotating bit. I have reference for the same meter…so, ordered another proximity sensor in line with the reference.
I just ordered this meter: 3/4 Inch Vertical Water Meter - Stainless Steel, NSF 61, High Definiti | EKM Metering Inc. I will have to dig into how this will work in Gallons.