Sometimes just moving to a higher quality board with more resources can help. Especially if you’re using cheap clones. No guarantees though. Trying another board is just a trouble shooting step I usually do as part of “hardware isolation testing”.
Take a look here.
What’s your favourite ESP32 board? Why?
Where do you buy from? Why?
What board features do you value the most?
I’m getting a bit sick of flakey cheap Ali Express knock-offs, so becoming more interested in higher quality boards (but don’t mind cheap ones for the basics).
I thought this topic might be worth a dedicated Home Assistant thread? Couldn’t see an existing one.
You know mine. QuinLED-ESP32
Properly selected 3.3v 800mA voltage regulator and quality capacitors, capable of powering many peripherals. IMO this is the main failing of the Chinese boards.
Plus other design improvements over the ESP32 mini clones while remaining pin for pin compatible, e.g. USB-C, extra gnd pins, protected 5v supply.
Available with or without soldered headers, onboard or external antenna, wired Ethernet top hat available.
Delivery ~2 weeks form the worldwide store to Oz.