I’m using a Waveshare 1.54 (B) e-Paper Module with an ESP32 in ESPHOME.
I tried a lot of settings (see below my script) without any success. The display flickers all the time with pixels all over the whole display - see photo.
clk_pin: 16
mosi_pin: 23
- platform: waveshare_epaper
id: epaper
cs_pin: 5
busy_pin: 4
reset_pin: 21
dc_pin: 22
model: 1.54inv2
full_update_every: 30
update_interval: 90s
reset_duration: 2ms
lambda: |-
ESP_LOGI("display", "Updating..");
it.print(0, 0, id(status_font), "Bezug:");
it.printf(0, 50, id(status_font), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "%s W", id(verbrauch).state.c_str());