Waze Component Broken?

I’ve noticed ever since I updated to 0.72 Waze has stopped working. This is the error in the logs. Anyone else having issues?

2018-06-29 14:38:17 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] waze_travel_time: Error on device update!
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/sensor/waze_travel_time.py", line 110, in update
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/sensor/waze_travel_time.py", line 136, in update
  File "/Users/mediacenter/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python/site-packages/WazeRouteCalculator/WazeRouteCalculator.py", line 142, in calc_all_routes_info
  File "/Users/mediacenter/.homeassistant/deps/lib/python/site-packages/WazeRouteCalculator/WazeRouteCalculator.py", line 92, in get_route

Yes the Waze component is not working at the moment, check the Share Your Projects post for the Waze component: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/waze-travel-time-update/50955/64


So there is an issue with the header coming back from the resource module WazeRouteCalculator. It seems like waze changed the JSON data coming back from the url requests. It is just ‘dumb luck’ that this occured around the same time that home assistant updated to 0.72. All versions will be broken, so don’t bother down grading.

There is currently a change request to the resource module WazeRouteCalculator and the guy who made it found a fix. It’s only a matter of time before it gets implemented in HA. I wouldn’t expect it until 0.74 at the earliest due to the current release cycles.

EDIT: If anyone is interested in the github for WazeRouteCalculator:


Ok good to know it’s not just me. Thanks for the updates.

was this component fixed in the new version? for some reason I cant get it to work

I have it working on 0.77.2 but I have 6 different Waze trips to check and the problem is that I can’t get the right time to match with the right trip on the display. They are the correct 6, but not much good if I can’t assure they align with a proper friendly name. The name: field in the component does not seem to work.

I’m running version 0.76.2 and no issues with the Waze component. I also have 13 sensors configured and no issues with naming them.

There’s no way that the component displays the wrong name with wrong time unless all of HA is compromised.

What’s your issue? What version are you on?

Im running version 0.77.2 and the issue im having is that the sensor doesnt show the travel time. when i click on it says “unknown” it could very well be a config issue since im new to this but going by the docs it looks ok. let me know if you want to see the config/screenshot

Yes post your config please. Also, bear in mind, it may take up to 5 minutes after startup for the sensor to actually ping the api.

changed the config to my longitude,latitude and after 5 mins seems to be working. It was a config issue.

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@petro Took me a while, but I’m setting up LoveLace and still having a problem getting a friendly name with my sensors. I have 6 of them setup in sensors.yaml. The name: causes a problem if I use it, so I have to comment it out. I’ve put one of the 6 below.

  • platform: waze_travel_time
    name: Home to SAA
    region: ‘NA’

They are then coming as sensors
- sensor.waze_travel_time
- sensor.waze_travel_time_2
- sensor.waze_travel_time_3
- sensor.waze_travel_time_4
- sensor.waze_travel_time_5
- sensor.waze_travel_time_6

So knowing which is which is difficult and they seem to shift order making it tough to get the correct name. I had to use customization.yaml and put a friendly_name, but it doesn’t align.
i.e. sensor.waze_travel_time_4:
friendly_name: Home to SAA

Maybe I am not getting my syntax right, but having same issue with LoveLace.

How are you naming these (I.E in the setup or customize)? Are the names already used in the entity registry?

@petro I have them configured in the sensors.yaml, but I had to associate a friendly_name via the customize.yaml or else they all had the same name. Problem is that I can’t align them other than trying to guess the time, but it seems every load they go in a different order via the entity id since they are _2 - _6 as you can see. Help as maybe I’m just doing something wrong.

I think that I’ve figured out how to do it in LoveLace
- entity: sensor.waze_travel_time_6
name: This is a test
Going to name them all this way and see if it works as an override in lovelace

Still doesn’t guaratee that I name the right entity, but I see that when I open the route is shown, but then I have to work that out to be which origin to destination… bit of sleuthing required to match.

If you name it in the setup of the component, it should name it unless there are name conflicts in the entity registry.

I name mine like this:

  - platform: waze_travel_time
    name: Home to Work
    region: 'US'

and it will end up with the name:


Whenever I put anything for the name: string it fails to load.

  • platform: waze_travel_time
    name: This is custom 12345
    region: ‘NA’

I’ve never seen it rename the entity and all mine stay default renumbered. It must be in the step where it tries to create or rename the entity. Could it be since mine are region: ‘NA’

I will try again with a single as it’s still not working for me as the names associated to the wrong entity from restart to restart.


Tried as above and wound up with 1 of the 6 getting the above error.

related log in error log

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/thread.py”, line 56, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/sensor/waze_travel_time.py”, line 74, in
EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, lambda _: sensor.update())
File “/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/sensor/waze_travel_time.py”, line 204, in update
routes = params.calc_all_routes_info(real_time=self._realtime)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/WazeRouteCalculator/WazeRouteCalculator.py”, line 145, in calc_all_routes_info
routes = self.get_route(npaths, time_delta)