Weather icon in custom card

I am trying to get only the icon for the entity weather.home to use in a custom card but can’t find a way to do that. Is that possible, some now how can help me?

There is a link to the icon source

But I want the icon from the actual weather entity so the icon match the weather. Not only the icon from MDI, can find anything regarding that In the link. Can you show mer more specific where to find that?

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I use this:
<img src='/local/community/weathericon2.0/symbol_name.svg'>

Symbol_name needs to be replaced with what symbol you want.

My icons are placed as .svg files in www/community/weathericon2.0/ but I do not know if this is a repository I have installed or just icons I have put into that folder myself at one point.
Looking at the different state of weather types I would say it is files I have downloaded from my choice of weather service ( and put there myself.

Would be of help if you provided your custom:card_ code(not pic) and a pic where you show what and /where

The default weather_home entities(2), have “built-in” icons, but you can use anyone by adding
“icons: /local/weather-icons/” to the card(depending upon which “Custom:card” you use) , read about that specific card

You basically throwing an open question, with no code, noexamples nothing, so you will keep getting alot different answers, which might not be relevant to what you are “trying” to say/do

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Sorry I will try to explain better,

This is a code for a custom button card

type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.outside_filtered_realistic_temperature
show_state: true
show_name: false
icon: mdi:weather-sunny

It show my outside temperature from my own sensors and a static icon. However, I would like the icon to be realistic and the same as in my weather.forecast_home So the icon changes with the weather forecast.


Mushroom card. Not sure if you need to combine with a Weather template but I have this working

Can you share your code fort that?

will be at weekend when I am home but the link refers to

“With the weather chip, you can select ‘show_conditions’ et ‘show_tempeature’ options for that.”

Have you tried it?

Yes, but I don’t understand how I can get temperatur from my own sensor in the card, but if you got it to work I am missing something here.

Hello if you open the weather chip does it allow you to enter “show conditions” entity AND “show_temperature” options?

If it does then you can put in both sensors.

Some of the weather cards like Platinum give you flexibility to enter multiple different sources.

AND HA gives you the power to set up a Weather Template which combines many sources into one weather.myhomehere type weather sensor.

I combine my many sensors into a local weather supplier to make a custom dashboard

HA provides many many different ways of doing something

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1st, i don’t see the point in using a Custom:button_card for this ( maybe i would if you showed that button-card, and not a default weather-forecast-card)

The weather-forecast-card you can “strip-out” anything you want with card-mod ( so i would suggest you use a combination or the weather-forecast, and another for your local-temperature ) !make them look like 1 ! ( i.e horizontal-stack or glance )

If you still insist on using button-card, you have to use template to change the static Icon, troublesome , but im sure there are much easier ways to accomplice what you want,

HOW does your card looks like , why you use button-card.

PS: You could also use custom:mushroom-template-card, but again here you have to use template to reference each and every icon, cording to the weather-forecast status
With Mushroom-chips you can remove “temperature/condition”. and another chip showing your local temp/wind etc.

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Ok, thanks. I will look in to that

I understand what you’re asking. Did you ever figure it out? I’m trying to do it as seen here in mushroom template card.

Update: nevermind I managed to do it as shown here but using my own weather entity

{% if is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","clear-day") %} mdi:weather-sunny {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","sunny") %} mdi:weather-sunny {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","clear") %} mdi:weather-sunny {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","clear-night") %} mdi:weather-night {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","rainy") %} mdi:weather-rainy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","pouring") %} mdi:weather-pouring {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","snow") %} mdi:weather-snowy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","fog") %} mdi:weather-fog {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","sleet") %} mdi:weather-partly-snowy-rainy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","wind") %} mdi:weather-windy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","cloudy") %} mdi:weather-cloudy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","partlycloudy") %} mdi:weather-partly-cloudy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","partly-cloudy-night") %} mdi:weather-night-partly-cloudy {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","hail") %} mdi:weather-hail {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","lightning") %} mdi:weather-lightning {% elif is_state("weather.climacell_hourly","tstorm") %} mdi:weather-lightning-rainy {% endif %}
