Weather integration - recommendation?

You mean like this?


Just guessing- recall that I am not an expert, try putting the recorder component in your configuration.yaml file.

Here’s mine:

  purge_keep_days: 5
  auto_purge: true
      - sensor
      - switch
      - switch.wemos_blinkr_led

you are far closer to being an expert than i am.

hm, i must be doing something wrong. i added that and then restarted, and i still can’t select it in a statistics graph card. should i try a history graph card?

I have no idea why the templated sensor doesn’t show in the statistics graph card, but it does in the history graph card.

looks like i have to use the history thing. question is, what’s the difference between history graph and statistics graph (apart from the fact that one accepts templates and the other does not)?

Until you mentioned it I didn’t even know of the Statistics card. It appears that the Statistics card lets you overlay multiple entities on the same graph.

Having an impossible time over here getting this to work on my end. I have tried both the copying the file straight into custom_components path as well as the HACS > Import Custom Repo and neither seem to be netting me any results. My configuration.yaml has a basic query for KLHZ which is the airport I fly out of.

Would greatly appreciate the help if you still use this.