Webostv: support for states other than on/off

For what it’s worth, I tried to leverage APIs based on the golang library since that’s the language I’m most familiar with, but even using the same calls that it looks like the python library is using, everything came back with a 401 error. Very frustrating!

I would also be willing to beta test an app that can forward play/pause/stop states. I have a new and older LG so I can try with both the newer and older WebOS versions.

@bendavid This looks like its the right API endoint for it.

FYI this is also being discussed here Support for current playback state · Issue #39 · bendavid/aiopylgtv · GitHub

Did you end up creating anything for that? Or found more info about it?

Check the end of the github issue I posted. Someone else created an app but it requires rooting the tv.

Anyone tried this with WebOs <6?
Mine is 05.50 and does’nt look like I can update. So before starting all the hassle… maybe somebody knows allready?

Anyone tried? :slight_smile: