Weekly Schedule Helper improvements

This is a feature request not a help,topic. Start a new topic explaining your issues.

I don’t need help, I know why it is not working.

I was explaining to @Marcel-12 that even if it was working (and still does) to modify the core file, it is now an issue as it prevents creating new ones and/or see existing ones.
Solution is easy: remove the edited schedules and restart, using the existing features.

And those are the existing features that all of the voters, including myself, would like to see changed as described in OP.

Apologies but this sounded like you had an issue:

No hard feelings, it is ok, English is not my first language.
It was the consequences of what I did in core file, long before Marcel mentionned this workarround.
I did not notice that my shedule were screwed up until recently and wanted to warn him/her about the consequences of playing in the .storage directory

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Yeah I understand now. Again, apologies.

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[quote=“Blacky, post:10, topic:458472”]

Seems kinda straightforward, although I can see a number of users saying “well, why not do it my way?” …as they do right now because we’re stuck with 30 minute increments.

I am the IT support for a small dance school. All of their lights are controlled by automations, with a couple of “switchboxes” they can use to override the most common things they might want to in logical blocks. Such as turn on all the colored lights in classroom “A” for an impromptu private lesson (which is happening right now).

A button like this would be very useful to the teachers if they decide to extend a class - If a single button could be used to change the “off” time for a scheduled period, they wouldn’t have to pull up an app or webpage and click through the UI and hope they find the right schedule to change or text me to make the change, which they do often enough to make me want this feature. This kind of situation would require the ability to change a schedule programmatically. The teachers are dancers, not makers, not experimenters, not IT pros. I was hired so that they didn’t have to learn any of this stuff other than what single, physical button to push to turn the lights on and off. They frankly had a hard time making sure the open sign was turned on and off at open and close ;-|

I would be using schedules for the bulk of the automation if they could be more granular. We need the lights to turn on in a classroom five minutes before the class starts and off five to fifteen minutes after the class ends (depending on which class it is). Creating a timer that waits 25 minutes after it’s triggered at :30 so it can perform a task at :55 is very obviously a workaround to make the tool perform as if it were capable of doing what the user needs it to do.

For the love of all that is holy, don’t fix one problem with granularity (30 minute blocks) by making it just slightly more granular (15 minutes), which simply perpetuates the problem. Take it all the way - it sounds to me like one minute increments is the most granular you can make it without having to make upstream changes. As I mentioned, my use case needs 5 minutes. Sure, make the drag feature in the UI work in 15 or 30 minute increments, but allow the user to click/tap on the scheduled block to access more granular control. I was floored when I saw the only option on tap/click is to delete the block.

The issue with that is the difficulty of using the UI to set schedules, particularly on mobile devices.

I am new to this so my suggestion may just be a grain of salt, but one thing I wanted to replicate with schedule is how a simple plug have these On/Off setup. All you do is pick day/time for on and off trigger effectively creating your schedule. Or, like other similar tool that show you a week, and you pick time for event and they code what each event would be.

Now this schedule is simpler with on/off trigger and it is a fine starting point. But I immediately bumped into the 30 minutes wall. I was like there is no way an automation tool does not offer more precision. I mean if we are all about trying to be energy efficient, forcing something to start up to 29 minutes too early or run for up to another 29 minutes than intended is not good enough.

Then it struck me, that everywhere you should be able go to the YAML code and make necessary adjustment. But here that is not possible? I do not see the option in the UI and started some research (ended here too) and seems I need to fiddle with configuration file and we are saying this is not done because it cannot be done nicely on mobile? I am pretty sure editing a text config file on mobile is not better.

With that said, how about some drop-down where you pick initial granularity. So mobile can have 15, 30 mins, or 1 hour even if that allow to quickly set something up. Then on PC or Web you can use the 1 minutes if needed. That would be a starting point and the visual is already there to drag the elements. Maybe add a speed element so the further up/down you are you move fast and slow down as you get close to the bar allowing to minute adjustment. Kind of like scrolling in a large spreadsheet file. (But I solving here).

But at the very least please make it easy to access the results from the UI setup into some table or YAML code so we can tweak it exactly. That way even if you leave the UI set to 30 minute (untouched) we can do the general setup than go in the code right there and change 7:30 to 7:31 or 7:26 or whatever is required.

